Chapter 16

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Walking downstairs, I smell bacon, coffee, and pancakes. I run to the kitchen to see, Belinda, Jay, Antonio and James.

"Good morning, best friend." Antonio said while handing me a plate of food. I smiled and hugged him.

"Am I missing something here?" James asked while munching on a piece of bacon.
"Um, no Antonio is just my best friend. Nothing more, nothing less." I said while sitting next to Belinda. She looked down on me and smiled. "Hello Hal." She hugged me and ate the rest of her pancake. "Hello, Bel." I drink some of my coffee and smiled. Just the way I like it.

"So I see you like the food?" James asked, smirking.
"Yeah and the problem is?"I questioned, taking a bite of my own pancake.
"It's nothing." He shrugged and sipped his coffee.
I decided to leave it at that.

"So when do we go to class." I asked no one in particular. Scrolling through Twitter I found Anime vines and favorited a few.
"Well we have class but you and Belinda don't have to go until next week." Jay said while drinking his coffee.

"Speaking of school, we have to go." Antonio said while checking the time.
Jay kissed Belinda and ran out the door, while James and Antonio hugged me. They left and me and Belinda left in silence.

"So you and James." Belinda spoke up.
"Me and James, what?"
"I saw the way you two were looking at each other. Also Antonio is so jelly of you!" She screeched.

"What no, nothing is going on between us. And Antonio has nothing to be jealous about." I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Not yet."

Lord what is going through her head. Whatever it may be, snatch it out if her.

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