It's A Major Turn On

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Pray's p.o.v

It's been 3 days since our date.

Zayn and I have gotten even closer, even though sometimes I wanna kill him cuase of his stupid perverted remarks. Other than that, everything's great.

Today, Zayn and I need to decide on our wedding costumes. We need to do the fitting and stuff. Well that sounds fun. Not.

"Pray! Get down here! We need to decide your outfit!" mum called. More like screamed.

"Coming" I replied.

I got up from my bed, made my way to the mirror. Well, I don't look too bad. I'm wearing pajama's and a white hoody with my hair open.

I guess it's ok.

I went down and made my way to the living room where the stylist was.

She had bright red hair, quite tall and pale skin.

"Hi, I'm Vanessa, your stylist" she said. She looked like she was in her mid 40's.

"Pray" I said shaking her hand.

"Well, you must be the bride. I must say, your gorgeous darling" she said, looking at me up and down.

"Thank you" I said. Not forgetting to blush.

Stupid blush.

"She is indeed" Tricia said. She's sitting on the sofa behind me.

There are a lot of clothes everywhere. It's like I'm in a shop which had a huge sale and now everything is messed up because of the huge crowd that was in here a few minutes ago.

I looked at Tricia and smiled.

"Okay, Pray come he-"she cut herself off and shook her head, looking at my outfit.

Is there something on it?

"My dear, how about you change into something showier so I can do your fitting" Vanessa said.

Really? Isn't this good enough?

I narrowed my eyes and pouted.

"Why not wear a simple tank top?" she asked.

"Okay" I sighed.

"Be back soon!" Vanessa called as I turned on my tip toes and made my way to my room.

I rummaged through my closet, finding something "showy" as Vanessa says to wear.

I finally found something "showy" and comfortable and put it on, put my hair in a bun and wore my glasses which I don't wear very often. (The picture of the outfit is on the side)

Yes, I wear glasses, but I only wear them while watching a movie or reading a book or, well, when I can't see.

I went downstairs only to be stopped by Waliyah.

"Now, now. Not so fast. You can't go in there while your fiancé half naked now would you?" she asked.



Blush crept my cheeks. Thinking what would have happened if I went in there.

Oh My God.

"I didn't know- I- mean I - I" struggling to say a few words to save my pride, I cursed myself for my nervousness.


"Wait for a few minutes, then you can have your turn and I didn't know you wore glasses! You look cute babe" she winked and went upstairs.

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