Read if you give a shit

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Soo hi guys. Ye, how u all doin?

Yup not a chapter, sorry. Dont hate me, no fucking swearing.

Im just writing this to say sorry for the long wait and I know you are all suffering so much. I know how it feels. It feels like you wanna punch the author in the face and just get her raped by a bunch of homeless people. I know.

Just to let you know that im VERY LAZY. And I literally have to force myself to write sometimes because my computer is broken and I have to write the chapters on my phone. It sucks.

I thank all of you for being so calm. Seriously.


Who saw beyonces performance at the grammy awards? I JUST WANT TO FANGIRL ABOUT IT CUASE MY BROTHERS ARE NO HELP! AHHHHHHH!

Yea and thank you again, so, so much :*

Stay classy

Pray xx

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