Four Kids?

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Pray's p.o.v

"Pray" my mom called. I was just sitting in my room with Salina, telling her everything that has happened these past few days. And to tell you, she was not happy with the Magen part at all. It looked like she wanted to kill her and Zayn right there, she can get crazy sometimes.

"Coming" I yelled. I nodded my head towards the door, asking Salina to come with. She groaned as she got up and followed me out of my room.

We made our way to the kitchen, where mum and Trisha were sitting and chatting their usual chat.

"Hey Trisha" Salina and I said. She waved back and motioned for us to sit next to her. I sat down giving a confused look to mum who looked kind of excited. Excited about what?

"Anything wrong?" I asked. They both exchanged knowing glances and smiled at me. Then mum finally spoke.

"So, Pray we were talking about yours and Zayn's wedding and this one thing came up in our mind" she spoke. I blushed a little at the mention of Zayn's name, getting elbowed playfully by my so called best friend in result.

"What thing?" I asked. They both exchanged glances again.

"Honey, you do know that we want grandchildren right?" mum spoke. This made me choke on my own saliva. I was coughing badly while Salina laughed. Trisha slowly patted my back to calm me down.

My eyes were wide and watery, I was so shocked. Why did they wanted to tell me about that? I already know, sort of.

"We just wanted to tell you that if you and Zayn are planning on having babies, than do it soon because we really can't wait." Trisha said. I flushed scarlet red and my breathing became uneven.

Well, thanks alot. This is so embarrassing.

"Honey, did you talk to Zayn about this?" mum asked. Seriously? Why would I talk to him about having babies now? He's already perverted enough. Salina's snickering was not helping either.

I shook my head. Salina was trying so hard to controlling her laughter, but you could still hear her muffled giggles as she attempted to cover her mouth with her hands.

I''ll make sure to get her back on her wedding day.

"Mom I'm not planning on having babies straight away" I said, a bit annoyed.

"You do know that It's haram if you and Zayn don't do it on your wedding night" she spoke. Oh my god, someone please kill me right now. I'm here shitting rods and Salina is laughing her ass off. My eyeballs are going time fall out anytime soon.

"Mom..." i trailed off, not knowing what to say. Basically, I'm too shy for the fact that Zayn's mom, Trisha, is sitting right next to me and that's making me blush ten times more.

I look down, my palms becoming very interesting at the moment. Trying to control my nervousness by biting my lip, I think a little too hard because I'm tasting blood.

I'm no vampire, but I know what blood tastes like. I'm sure everyone have tasted their own blood.

"There's no need to blush dear, it even happened to us" Trisha said. That's kind of comforting, but a bit weird too. Did it, really?

I nodded. Words were enable to come out from my mouth.

"Do you want babies?" Trisha asked.

Oh god.

I nodded again, fuming like a red tomato.

She chuckled. I looked up to see Salina smirking at my tomato face, oh how I want to punch her right now, with a chair.

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