Informational Stuff

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You there! Don't skip this! Don't! Okay, good. 👏🏻 This is important (or as important as any of my messages will get) so don't scroll fast!

My name is Yukimoto-Namikaze, your humble author. I am proud to present my first (official) Percy Jackson/Avengers crossover. The pairings are Tony/Percy/Bucky. le gay. There. Now you can't complain: Ugh, this super awesome author didn't warn us about the gay. 🌈🌈

Yeah, well sorry, kiddies! It's hella gay (though not sexual aside from slight sexual humor). The reasons for this pairing is because I think they'll work well and Percy and Tony can mellow eachother out..ish. In this story, Percy is 19, Tony is 24, and Bucky is 26. 🌈

I know I wrote this in my summary but, if you're like me, you probably skipped it and just went for it just because it's an awesome crossover. I don't blame you. 👌🏻

Also! 👏🏻 (Last thing, last thing. I promise) I will try not to make too many grammar and spelling mistakes (which is hard to do with spell check [yet I still manage]) but if I do please correct me. I won't be embarrassed so you shouldn't be shy. ☺️ 🌩

Anyways! Now 👏🏻 you can read this story. Sorry for keeping you from the master piece that is: The Boy Born From the Sea. 
🌊 🌊

-- Angeles (Which happens to be my real name lolll yee) 👏🏻

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