File: Wisdom From an AI

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"Son of a-"

Thor looked up at the familiar voice, closing his Midgardian book about dragons and magicians that he never wanted to admit reminded him of his brother. He leaned forward in his chair, peering over towards the door.

Percy stood, leaning against the wood with furrowed eyebrows. His eyes were screwed shut and he was favoring his good leg.

"May I assist you in any way, Percy?" The blonde asked, having had taken a liking to the mortal after he received such kindness and patience.

"Huh? What- Oh, Thor," Percy looked surprised to see him, and even more like he was contemplating backing out of there. "Fuck, I didn't -I didn't think you'd be in here."

Over the time Percy had joined the team, Thor had come to realize that the human never liked to bother people with his problems. He would always hide somewhere, tending to his own wounds- sometimes literally- like he was afraid to open up. The Asgardian was sad to realize that was a trait he shared with Tony Stark.

With the way the two men really only stayed with each other, Thor would believe they both had become touch-starved at one point in their lives. He knew, for Tony, it had to do with Howard Stark. With Percy, the blonde was sure it was because he was in so many prophecies and fighting so many wars, there really wasn't time to just relax with family.

"It is quite alright, Percy," Thor smiled softly, careful not to spook the SHIELD agent. Whenever that happened, he tended to act skittish around the person, disappearing in the way only he managed whenever they were within eyesight. "But do you need assistance? I am finding my book to be quite boring at this moment. You would be much help to me." But Percy would never bolt if he could help a friend in some way. Even if I meant having himself be taken care of.

The demigod blinked before speaking after a moment, shoulders losing their tension, "...My knee's bothering me and I'm out of pain meds."

"I see," Thor nodded. "I see you have got ice in your hands. Sit a moment and I will find something to alleviate your pain." He ushered the man into his chair before he could protest, partly wanting him off his leg and partly because the man wouldn't run if someone was expecting him to be there when they got back.

Percy just huffed and watched him go. He may have seemed annoyed but Thor could tell by the way he leaned back in the pillows, turning his head to bury his nose in them, that he enjoyed that Thor would be willing to help. It was sad that Percy never let someone see him weak but Thor felt honored that the demigod would allow him to help him in some way. It was a show of trust, not only between comrades but with family.

When the Asgardian came back, he had a bowl in his hands, filled with a blue-green substance that was like a lotion. The bowl was small, easily held in Thor's palms, looking tiny and delicate next to him. "This is something my mother taught me to make," The god started when he saw Percy peering at it. "It is made from herbs found in Asgard and it works very well to rid someone of pain for a period of time."

Percy had a strange expression on his face as he tilted his head at it and Thor was afraid he'd deny it. The demigod's words were a bit surprising but the god should have expected it. He always said it when he was faced with something he had never seen before. "I wanna lick it."

Thor looked at the bowl, "I... Suppose you can. The herbs are not poisonous to any being, mortal or Asgardian. I must say, it may taste unpleasant," The god knew, however, that his warning meant nothing to the demigod. He had seen the younger man lick a Doombot during a fight.

Percy, true to Thor's inner words, proceeded to stick his finger in the lotion-like substance and lick it. He scrunched his face up, "Tastes like sunscreen."

Thor had heard of this "sunscreen." He was very concerned now. He had read on the label to avoid consuming it. Of course Percy had to ignore that, too. He wasn't as surprised, though.

"Yes, well, shall we try to apply this to your injury?"

"What? Oh, yeah!" The demigod rolled up his pant leg, wearing sweatpants to make it easier for him to change, and only winced a bit, "You know, I can do this myself."

"I am aware," Thor nodded. He was very much aware. "But I feel joyful when I am able to assist my family."

Percy went oddly quiet at his words but he moved his leg closer to Thor, allowing him fuller access to his injury.


The demigod's leg was wrapped up and they spent another hour in the library on the Avengers floor before both their stomachs rumble. They had been reading some books; Thor with his previous one and the green-eyed man with something about Greek mythology that he kept snorting at. They had a comforting silence around them, something that was shattered by the need of food.

"Is the Man of Iron working?" Thor asked, gently closing his book.

"Yeah, he's with Bruce in the lab. Widow and Barton are on some mission in some country or whatever. Steve's probably on his third run of the day. I mean, seriously, it's only two o'clock. Gods."

"Ah, yes, I believe that means no one is currently occupying the kitchen?"

"Well, I mean, yeah," Percy nodded, looking a bit confused at the question.

"Wonderful news," The god got up and proceeded to lift the demigod, ignoring the squeak from the man generously. "I will assist you in getting some food. Where are your -crutches, I believe they are named?"

"Um, they're on my floor," The SHIELD agent blinked. "But, really, Thor, you don't have to do this. I can take care of myself."

Thor just ignored the repeated phrase, "Then I will fetch them for you hastily. Please, relax, brother." He placed the young mortal on a dining room chair before making his way to the elevator. "Voice," His tone was polite as he spoke. "May you please take me to Percy's room?"

"Yes, Mr. Odinson. Shall I light the way to Master  Percy's room?"

"That would be very helpful, thank you."

"Happy to assist."

The god quickly grabbed the crutches, careful not to bend them in his large grip, and went back up to the kitchen, following the lights on the walls turned on by JARVIS every step he took. "Here you are, Percy," He leaned them next to the table on the wall, just in easy reach of the demigod.

"Thanks, Thor," Percy beamed, swinging his good leg back and forth lazily. "What're you making for food?"

"If I may," JARVIS' voice filtered into the kitchen. "Doctor Banner and Captain Rogers will be making lunch soon. I advice a small snack. Perhaps, some Poptarts?"

"You are very wise," Thor nodded sagely, trying to fight down a smile when he heard the demigod next to him, honest to Odin, giggle.

"Yes, J," Percy chuckled, a smile on his face. "Very- heh- wise of you." He shook his head, mumbling "wisdom from an AI" in a mirthful tone.

"I do try."

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