File: Get Me Out Already, Fury

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Percy tapped his foot against the ground. "Well, that worked out perfectly."

Tony rolled his eyes. "Yeah." He moved his arms against the rope. "Perfect."

Percy and Tony were caught during their little escape plan. Now, they were tied to uncomfortable metal chairs with rope.

"Hey, it could be worse." Percy said with a lopsided grin. "We could've been shot."

Tony groaned and dropped his head to his chest. "You're going to jinx us."

"Don't worry." Percy said. "I would die before I let you get shot."

Tony turned his head and muttered out a thanks to hide his blush.


"And you're saying that Stark and Halo were captured." Fury said staring at the remaining Avengers.

"Yes, sir." Steve nodded.

"By Killian."

"Yes." Natasha spoke this time.

"Oh, boy." Fury rubbed his face and sighed. "We better hurry and get a lock on them before Halo gets agitated."

"May I ask why, sir?" Clint asked.

"Halo has a tendency to blow things up when he's agitated."

"Oh." Was all they said.


"GET ME OUT ALREADY, FURY!!" Percy shouted struggling against his bonds. "COME ON!"

"Percy, calm down." Tony creased his eyebrows in worry. Percy had started freaking out when they turned off the lights. "Are you...are you claustrophobic?"

Percy stopped screaming. "What? N-no.."

But Tony had heard that tiny waver in the agent's voice. "Okay, you are. So, what? Look at me. Focus on my arc reactor." The blue glow was covered by Tony's cotton shirt but it could still be seen in the dark room.

Percy glanced over and Tony couldn't help but stare as the sea-green eyes pierced through the darkness towards the light. He smiled when Percy seemed to calm down and his breathing was less hectic. "There we go. You know, you're louder now then in the tower."

Percy almost pouted. "I get uncomfortable in situations like these." His face lit up. "I am a ge- nope, can't say it- but I have an idea!" Percy moved around side to side so fast Tony thought he would fall any moment. He moved his right hand down low enough to put his hand in his pocket. "Come on...!" His tounge stuck out of the corner of his mouth. "Almost it!"

Tony watched closely as Percy pulled out a....ballpoint pen. "Perce..I think you have some problems.."

"No! I don't -well, maybe a little- but this will help us!" He moved his hand more until the top of the pen where the cap was located was facing up under the ropes. "Don't cut me. Don't cut me. Don't cut me." Percy chanted sliding the cap off. The pen immediately grew into a three foot bronze sword that hissed in the dark. Its blade sliced through the rope like butter and Percy sighed in relief. "Phew! I thought Riptide was going to cut me! Safe!"

Tony gaped as Percy got up and made his way towards him cutting through the rope with ease. "Must be a demigod thing." He murmured. "I'm scanning that when we get back to the tower." He told Percy who laughed.

"Okay." He stared at the lock. "I'm can't pick it."

Tony looked at him. "Didn't you say demigods did anything to survive?"

"Well, yeah, but I wasn't taught to pick a lock. The Hermes cabin did all that." Percy shrugged. "Never had to before."

Tony grinned and him eyes lightened on the sword. "Hand it over."

"You just want the sword."

"Yeah, now hand it over." Tony held the sword and used the tip of the blade to pick the lock. "Here, catch demigod." He threw Riptide back at Percy who caught it by the hilt.

"I could have died by that."

"But you didn't."


Tony pushed the door open slowly and looked around.

"There's a vent." Percy pointed out looking at the ceiling in the corner. "Let's go in it." The S.H.I.E.L.D agent inside him took over and he strode without a single sound towards the opening.

If Tony wasn't looking at him he wouldn't even know he was there. "Right." He followed the agent who picked him up and hoisted him inside. Tony fought down a blush and helped him inside. "The room's this way." He crawled down the vent silently and Percy followed. "I can now see why Birdbrain does this." He chuckled. "This is fun."

"Here." Percy said pointing down. There was a line of computers and other machines that Percy couldn't name. But there were computers.

"Perfect." Tony moved the vent cover and jumped down only making a small sound. Percy gave him a cheeky grin at Tony's pout when Percy landed without a sound. "Let me just hack into S.H.I.E.L.D...."

"Usually I wouldn't allow that but I'm sweaty, tired, and in need of a good ol' American cheeseburger. Make this snappy."

"Shut up, Percy. You're just jealous that I can actually work a computer."

Percy stared at him. "Take that sass and put it in your pocket."

Tony laughed and started typing. "Give me ten minutes."

"Oh, good. Alright. One...two...three.."

Tony shook his head and focused on his task leaving Percy to count to six hundred.

Percy stared at the doors with narrowed eyes as he counted. "One hundred and hundred and three..." The doors opened and Kilian along with three guards walked in carrying guns. "One hundred and four... one hundred and five..." He was now saying the numbers through gritted teeth.

Tony paused for a split second at the change of tone and contemplated turning around.

"Keep working, Tony." Percy spoke without turning around.

"Anthony." Kilian gave a cruel smile as he stared at the billionaire and his...friend. "I thought you learned your lesson the last time you tried this."

"Yeah, I've been told I have a problem with listening." Tony said not pausing in the slightest. "Really, I've been told I need help."

"You need to stop." Kilian now frowned. "We can work together. We can build creations that can rule the world!"

"Yeah, no." Tony immediately shot back. "I kind of enjoy the superhero business. You get Steve's pancakes."

Kilian shook his head in disappointment as if he was dealing with a child. "I thought you knew better than that." He snapped his fingers and the three men raised their guns. "Dispose of them."

Percy looked at Tony who was just finishing hacking into S.H.I.E.L.D. "Two hundred and fifty seven!" He flipped over a man and hit them with the hilt of his sword knocking his out. "Two hundred and fifty eight!" He elbowed another in the gut. "Two hundred and ni-"


Tony spun around at the gun shot. Percy stood over a downed man holding his stomach. He watched in horror as the man shot him three more times.


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