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To pass time we began to talk about our lives before the apocalypse.

"So what did you guys do for fun, I mean when you got together?", I asked.

"Well we would mostly play a lot of video games and stuff like that. But we would travel sometimes over to Ireland where Jack lived and play foot ball in his big open field behind his house", Wade explained.

"Cool", I asked.

"What did you like to do Maddie?", Mark asked.

"Well, I loved reading and going to the local ice-cream store to see other kids play video games on there devices. My family did not have a lot of money but we were happy so I spent most of the time being on my own. My father believed that if he could not pay for a private school than I did not need to go to school  at all", I said.

"Whoa, so you've never been to school in your life?", Bob asked.

"Yep", I said.

"Lucky, you probably would not like school its no fun", Anna chimed in.

"What makes it so bad?", I asked.

"The home work, stuff you have to take your free time to do", Anna said. "And the horrible thing called studying",.

"Sounds awful", I said.

"That's not true, school can be fun sometimes just not all the time", Bob said.

"Exactly my point, I need excitement in my life", Anna said. "WE should be learning how to survive in the wilderness and climb a mountain and...", Anna began but I guess she ran out of ideas.

"Fritz, what was your life like?", I said asking him. He turned to me.

"Well, my life so far has not been this exciting. I plan on becoming a medical professional when this virus stops and maybe preform surgerys", Fritz said. "I grew up with Mike as a brother and he attended middle school while I took my classes to become a doctor in high school",.

"Cool", Mark said.

"How about you Alexander", Mark asked.

"My life has mostly revolved around school, football and friends. Nothing else really has happened in my life so far", Alexander said.

"Oh", I responded. "Do any of you guys like to sing?",.

"That was a random question but yes I love to sing and so does Wade", Mark said.

"Hey", Wade said. I giggled.

"Cool", I said.

"Holy crap guys look..", Wade said panicking. I got up from my seat and looked out the driver window to see the sign that said" Welcome to Atlanta",. But the city looked like utter chaos, worse than Ohio.

"We need to leave the RV and walk on foot", Wade said. "There is no way that we will be able to make it past all those cars",.

"I agree", I said.

"But guys we can leave this RV sitting in the middle of a high way, I mean come on this thing is like the best thing ever, it's got Air conditioning and food. What more can we need?", Bob asked.

"Bob for once in your life you now seem stupid",Aaron said.

"Let's all come down, let's leave and find out what the heck happened", I said. "And what better place to find out than the hospital",.

"Great idea", Fritz said. "There has to be people to help us",.

"I hope", Anna lee said. I gulped. Wade opened the RV doors and we left the cozy RV. The wind that was blowing at our backs smelled of the dead reaching body's laying in the streets.

"That smell god darn", Mark said covering his nose.

"I know, that smell is awful", Anna lee said gaging.

"Come on guys follow me we will try to find some people", I said trying to hold the smell out of my focus. I began to walk straight ahead of me towards where the buildings did not looked as bad  as the rest of the city. I had to step over bodies which caused my spine to go into a chill. I tried not to look at the dead bodies. We walked in silence as we looked at all of the damage. The buildings had fire burning and blowing in the wind.

"Maddie this place is abandoned..", Anna said.

"Anna do I look blind", I snapped. "Sorry, Its just that this place looks super wrecked and if..",.

I continued walking by myself. Then group followed behind me. I heard a noise sounding like crying. it came closer and closer and louder and louder. I followed the noise and looked for the source, then I spotted it. It was a guy who looked to be about 14 or a few years older than me. He was crying and was sitting on the ground leaning against a car. He had glasses and hair brown ish color. I walked over to him and sat next to him. The group came over but I waved them to go away.

"Why.. why are you here?", The boy asked looking at the ground. 

"You looked like you needed help, anything I could do?", I asked not looking at him. I saw him out of the corner of my eye look at me.

"No.. just leave", The boy said.

"No, I cant leave some one out here all alone, tell me what is wrong?", I asked.

"My best friend, Dad, Mom, favorite celebrity, all died a day ago", The boy said.

"Your favorite celebrity?", I asked curiously.

"Yea, that celebrity was my brother who was named Drew, he always was the cool kid in school and was there for me but now.. Now he's gone", the boy said.

"I lost a person a day ago", I said. "He was practically my dad",.

"What is your name?", The boy asked.

"You tell me yours first", I said.

"Its Zack, Zack Iplier", he said.

"I'm Maddie, I don't know my last name for my dad never told me", I said.

"That is sad", Zack said. "Who were those people with you?",.

"That is my make shift family, you want to join it", I said. He smiled at me.

"I'm going to take that as a yes", I said grabbing his hand and getting him on his feet. "Zack, you will never be alone, ever again",.

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