Then There Were Three

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That was when I realized that we needed to push ourselves to survive. Alex sat in the snow and then it began to snow again.

"Come on, Alex lets get you inside and we will figure out what to do, okay Kiddo?", Mark said.

"No...", Alex said.

"Just come in when your ready", I said. Mark and I walked back in to the house that was now quiet and still like when we came here but this time we looked out the window and watched as little Alex stared at his brother. I wondered where my sister was.
Mark stood by me and had a tear run down his face. I grabbed this 26 year old man in a hug. This was family and little by little we were disappearing. I cried with Mark too. Alex had been really good with taking this situation head on. It surprised me.
We let go from the hug when Mark saw Alex walking in. Hot tears ran down his face.

"I know it sucks, rookie", Mark said as Alex cried on Marks shirt.

"I feel like everything's on instant replay", Alex spoke. "And death happens over and over and over and over...",.

I shushed Alex and told him that we get it. I glanced out the window and watched as the snow cover Fritz covered body. Then there were three.

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