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I can't help the grin that spreads across my face as the bell rings, signaling the last period of the last day of fifth grade. Next year, I'll be in middle school, and I can't wait to have more freedom, but I'm even more excited for this summer, because my mom told me that I'd be able to see Luke a lot more often this year.

Yep, that's right, the gorgeous Luke Hemmings is my big brother. I've heard it all before.

I grab my backpack and throw it over my shoulder, sprinting alongside my best friend Willow down the school hallway and out to the bus. Everyone is chaotic as they swarm in mass groups out of the school, excited for summer to begin. I mean, who isn't excited for summer vacation?!

I get off the bus and run inside, throwing my backpack to the side and shouting as I run among the house. "No more school!" I chant over and over. Mom comes into the kitchen leaning on the counter, watching me with an amused expression. "I can't believe my baby girl is starting middle school this fall!" She coos. I roll my eyes as I climb onto a stool under the counter and grab an apple. "Please, that's not for three whole months," I say. I can't wait to start my summer plans; me and Willow have only been planning this summer since January, after all! "Mom, can Willow come over?" I ask eagerly. It's always a tradition for her to sleep over the first night of summer. We've been doing this since we met in kindergarten. Mom smiles. "I suppose. But you have a big day this Saturday, so don't be too rough. I don't want you in the ER again." I laugh, remembering the last time I had to get stitches because I fell out of the treehouse in the backyard. "Wait... What's on Saturday?" I ask, the other half of my mother's message sinking in. What's going on on Saturday? Mom just smirks slyly and walks away, calling over her shoulder, "You'll see." I decide to shrug it off, since I've always liked surprises anyway. I love the anticipation they give me, it's so exciting.

About a half hour later, Willow appears on the porch with her overnight bag. She lets herself in, seeing as we're so close we're practically sisters, and we run upstairs to watch 5 Seconds of Summer's latest interview. I know it may seem weird, sort of stalking my brother's band, but hey, what kind of a pesky little sister would I be if I didn't? Besides, I love keeping up with their interviews and knowing where they are. I don't know why, I guess just because Luke's my brother I always have to know he's okay. Aw, look at me, getting all protective of my big brother.

Later that night, Luke face times me, much to mine and Willow's excitement. I answer immediately, and it makes me incredibly happy to see his smiling face again. I haven't seen him in person in I don't even remember how long.

"Ry Ry!" He coos excitedly. I giggle at the nickname. He's been calling me that practically since I was born. "Lukey! How was your performance in California?" I ask. He laughs at the fact I know where he is, but hey, like I said, it's sort of an instinct. Plus, mom keeps close tabs on him, so it's a win-win I guess. "It was great, the crowd was huge. How're things back home?" I pull Willow into view and she waves. "It's summer vacation!" We exclaim at the same time. "Wow, my little sis is gonna be in middle school next year! It feels like just yesterday I was helping you learn to walk!" I roll my eyes at the cheesy comment. Being the youngest, I get the "She's growing up so fast!" bit way too often, especially because there's such a large age difference between me and all my brothers. Luke and I are closest in age, he's seventeen, I'm ten. Being so far apart age wise has its perks, like getting along better now that we're getting older, but it also had its downfalls, especially when Luke was forced to babysit me when I was little. He always got angry because it delayed his band practices. This was before they were famous, of course, but he still loves the guitar, almost as much as me.

We ramble on and on about everything we planned to do this summer and how I wish he was here. Luke just listens with amuse, and before long I can hear the other boys reentering the tour bus. It was quiet before because they all went out to get food, but Luke stayed behind so he could face time me in peace and quiet, at least till they got back. He's such a good big brother.

"Aw, Luke's on the phone with his little shadow," Mikey teases. I laugh. When I was little, everyone called me Luke's shadow because I followed him everywhere, and it was this reason I got to know his friends so well. He hated it when we were young because he found it embarrassing, but now he could care less. Mom and the boys always found it adorable.

"Hi guys," Willow and I say hello to the rest of the guys, and we watch with amusement as they hoarse around a bit before Luke says he has to go. "I love you Lukey," I coo, earning the other boys to laugh. Luke laughs too, but says it back. "I love you too Ry Ry." After we say goodnight to each other, he hangs up, and I'm left alone with Willow. I have to admit, I miss him like crazy.

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