55 | Fear of the Unknown

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Rya's POV;

I stand in front of my familiar full length mirror and stare at my outfit. Today is Monday, the day I go back to school. I'm finally facing all the students who also knew Willow. I'll also get to see Caden. I haven't really gotten to talk to him, and the feeling of seeing him again gives me butterflies. That's weird . . . Is that weird? It's probably just all the nerves. I'm a nervous mess.

I take a deep breath and go downstairs. Mum gives me a huge smile and wraps me in her arms. I decided to wear a plain shirt with an odd colored jacket; I smile as I remember that Calum insisted he buy it for me a while ago.

"You're going to do great, sweetie. Call me if you need anything," mum says as she hands me a plate of breakfast. I nod and force myself to eat, even though my heart is racing a mile a minute and my head is spinning and I don't feel hungry whatsoever.

After I'm finished, mum hands me my backpack and I'm off to the bus stop. My mind is racing beyond comprehension at this point. I already know that Macy and her clique of snobs will have a mouthful to say about me leaving after Willow's death. I hope I'll be able to handle it.

Like I figured, everyone already at the bus stop ceases movement as they lay eyes on me. The chatter and rough housing has stopped and they all stand still, eying me as I stand awkwardly by myself, wishing I had another friend who lived close by.

"Rya!" I turn and see a familiar forth blonde head running towards me before engulfing me in a hug. Caden! I can't believe I almost forgot about him!

"Caden," I breathe. And the whispers start up.

"I'm so glad you're back, I missed you!" He says before averting his gaze and scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. "I'm really sorry about Willow. I miss her too," he says quietly. I give him a small smile, because I know that Caden was actually her friend. I nod as the bus pulls up and the other kids continue to whisper and stare. Some even whisper while staring and pointing, as if they couldn't be any more obvious.

"Are you excited to be back?" Caden asks, sitting next to me on the bus. I nod. "I guess. It's nice being back in Australia, but I'm kind of nervous for school," I admit quietly. Caden nods. "That's understandable. Don't worry, I'll be by your side the whole time," he says with a smile. It makes me feel much better knowing I still have Caden. Hopefully things won't be too bad.

Upon entering our first class, everyone is staring, again. I already got hundreds of condolences from kids on the bus and in the hallway. Even the teachers stare at me with sad, sympathetic eyes and tell me how sorry they are. At least Caden meant it, these people didn't even know her, and get they're acting like they were her best friend.

I was her best friend. I knew her better than anyone.

I slide into my seat and focus solely on my notebook as the teacher enters the room. I keep my eyes glued to my notebook, but of course, she has to he mosey and but in by asking how I'm doing. The entire class' attention is diverted to me, which I can't stand, especially under this current circumstance.

The rest of the day goes much like this. People stare, people whisper, people apologize, people talk to me about her like they knew her. Needless to say, I'm pretty happy when the day is finally over.

Caden and I slide into our seat on the bus, only to have none other than Macy occupy the seat across from us. Me being on the outside makes it even worse. There's literally nowhere to go, I can't escape her here. I let out a quiet sigh and Caden rolls his eyes as Macy stares at me intently.

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