50 | The Longest Night

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Rya's POV;

"Luke?" I call out into the darkness, but there's no answer.

"Rya." I hear a pained voice a moment later, and I turn around quickly to see Luke laying on the ground.

"Luke!" I gasp as I slide onto my knees and kneel next to him. His head is bleeding badly and he looks very pale.

"I - I love you," he manages to choke out. He struggles to rest his hand on top of mine. It's cold, pale, and bloody, and I flinch.

"No, please," I shriek as my body begins to shake. Suddenly his face is lifeless, much like Willow's when she fell out of the tree. "Luke!" I scream and I shake him, but he doesn't wake up. "No! You can't leave me, please!" I'm screaming and sobbing by now, but already it's too late. He can't be saved.

I'm suddenly awoken by someone shaking me. I gasp and sit up, blinking rapidly to get the horrible image out of my head.

"Hey, shh, you're okay." I immediately recognize Luke's voice, and I quickly wrap my arms around him. I'm shaking, and although I don't want to cry, I end up doing so anyway. I wipe my tears away with the back of my hand and Luke watches me with concerned eyes. I glance past him at the clock; it's only 11 at night. I never have nightmares this early. They usually start around 1 or 2 in the morning, but not 11 at night.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Luke whispers, playing with my hair and twisting it around his fingers. I sniffle and shake my head. My dreams have been so vivid lately, and I hate it.

"Was it about me?" He asks after another moment. I pause before nodding. I bury my face in his chest, just wanting to be able to sleep without having a bad dream.

"I'm here Rya, and I'm not going anywhere. I know that bad things happen, and so do unexpected things, but it'll be okay," he says, pulling me closer to him. I nod into his chest and slowly begin to fall asleep again.

Luke was released from the hospital a few days ago, and he's fine. He's not hurt and neither was Calum. Everyone is fine, we're all okay. I repeat this in my head, over and over. I just don't understand. The last few nights weren't like this. A day or two ago I had one nightmare about losing Luke, but nothing this vivid. But he's okay. We're all okay. Everything is okay. I repeat this in my head and think of happier times, before falling asleep again.

A few hours later, I wake up screaming. Luke is awake to hold my shaking body as I sob, and I hear the door creek open. A tired Michael whispers something to me and rubs my back, but I'm too shaken up to make out what he said. I continue to shake in Luke's arms, and when I begin to settle down, I refuse to fall asleep. The same image is repeating in my brain, Luke bloody and lifeless on the floor next to me as I scream at his dead body. I see it every time I close my eyes.

"Sleep, Rya. I'll be here when you wake up, I promise," he whispers gently. He's taken notice of my fighting off the sleep. Every time my eyes droop, I snap them open again and I jump a little. After doing this several times, I finally obey and let the tiredness fill me.

Unfortunately, I'm awoken by several more nightmares. After having three or four, I loose count, but I'm miserable in the morning. So is Luke. He stayed up basically all night with me, calming me down and waiting up in case I woke up again. I feel horrible. I just want all this to go away, is that so much to ask?

I bring my knees up to my chest as my phone rings. Luke and the other boys are getting ready for an interview, and Luke is really dragging. I feel terrible.

"Hi mama," I say tiredly.

"Rya! How are you and Luke? I heard about the hurricane, is everything alright?" I sigh and flop back into a laying position, hiding under the covers. After explaining the hurricane and assuring her we're all okay, she starts to question me further.

"You sound terrible. Are you still having nightmares?"

"Yeah, but I'm okay," I say, forcing myself to smile. I already know what's coming. "And I know what you're going to say mum, but I'm not ready yet. I wanna stay a little bit longer."

Mum sighs, "You would tell me if anything was wrong, right sweetie?" I bite my lip. "Yeah. I just want the nightmares to go away." Mum pauses before speaking again. "They will, baby.  Just give it time." She pauses once again before continuing, "Luke has called a few times. He's worried about you." I sigh. "I just, I don't know what to do," I whisper. "Let him help you," she says kindly. I nod reluctantly.
"I love you, Rya." "I love you too."

A few minutes later, Luke flops down beside me, looking very tired. A wave of guilt washes over me and I hug my knees to my chest. Luke sits up and looks down at me, but I don't look back. I just can't, because I know that he's staring at me with a sad and concerned look. And I hate it, because I don't know how to fix this. I don't know how to make it better, and neither do the boys.

"Rya, maybe talking about it will help. I know it's horrible, but if you can talk about what you see in your nightmares, maybe you'll feel better," Luke says, resting his chin on my head. I take a deep breath and pull away.

"Okay," I say quietly. I pause for a moment, trying not to let the visuals of the nightmares shake me. Here goes nothing...

A/N - hey! I have my English exam tomorrow, wish me luck! For anyone else with exams, I wish you the best of luck also! we can do this! Xoxo - Em:)

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