29 | Break on Through

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A/N - to the top/side is Rya's friend Willow, she's in the second half of the chapter:)

The next day I'm forced to wake up when Dr. McAndrew comes to check me. I feel even worse than I did before. Why'd I have to catch a stupid bug? Now I can't even go outside!

"So miss Rya, I hear you haven't been feeling well," Dr. McAndrew says, a slight frown on his face as he looks me over. I probably look as sick as I feel, not to mention I got hardly any sleep last night because I was throwing up ever hour.

He listens to my heartbeat and breathing with his stethoscope and does a bunch of other stuff before deciding he needs to look at my lungs.

After the test that gives them a view of my lungs is done, I'm allowed back into bed, where I almost instantly fall asleep. I wake up a little while later when Luke comes to visit. I roll over tiredly as Dr. McAndrew enters a minute after Luke, and he looks around, confused and concerned.

"What's going on?" He asks, sitting next to mum.

Dr. McAndrew puts the X-ray up and points to my lungs. "The rain yesterday made your body weaker, Rya, and as a result you now have pneumonia," he says.


"There isn't really much we can do except give you medication to help lower the fluid in your lungs, but until this has been taken care of and you're completely better, we can't risk sending you home, or as upsetting as this may be, let you go outside. Your immune system just isn't strong enough yet." Come on, I just want to go home!

I nod as a nurse inserts another IV into my arm. Now I have one for pain, fluids, and two new ones for medication to help the pneumonia and also one with vitamins and nutrients, since I obviously can't keep food down now.

The next few days are absolutely terrible. All I do it sleep and throw up. I hate it.

Mum and Luke alternate staying with me during the nights so they can try to get at least some sleep everyday. Mum was reluctant, but I assured her I'd be fine. So, she kisses me goodnight and goes home to shower and sleep a little bit, leaving only Luke and I.

"It sucks you got sick," he says as he flops onto the bed. I can tell he's trying to cheer me up, but I'm not in the mood. I'm just too tired.

"This majorly sucks," I whine, cuddling into Luke's chest. He sighs as he wraps his arms around me and moves my icky, sweaty hair out of my burning hot face.

"I know. There isn't really much I can say to change your mind. Just get some rest." I nod into his chest and quickly fall asleep.

I'm awoken in the middle of the night as my throat begins to burn. I quickly push myself into a sitting position and grab the bowl on the side table. I feel bad because I've woken Luke up, but it feels good to be soothed by him.

Once I've finished throwing up, I lean into his side tiredly. He frowns as he pushes my hair off of my face and feels my forehead.

"Poor thing, you're burning up," he whispers, rubbing my back. I let out a whine and lay down. Luke agrees to lay with me, and I'm very thankful when a nurse brings a cool cloth to put on my forehead.

"I hate being sick," I say between coughs. "I know. Just try to sleep okay?" I nod, leaning against his chest as I'm slowly pulled back under.

One agonizingly long and miserable week later, I'm finally better. I stopped throwing up probably about four days ago because of the medicine and vitamins and whatever, but I was forced to stay here to make sure I'm well enough to go home without getting sick again. I guess I did need the rest, because once I could finally sleep the night through, all I did was sleep.

I wake up the next morning at a decent hour for once, and mum smiles. "You're actually awake," she says with a laugh and Luke chuckles. "I had started calling you Sleeping Beauty," he teases, as I hit him with my pillow.

"Hello miss Rya," Dr. McAndrew greets like always. "How are we feeling today?" I ease myself up into a sitting position and nod. "I finally feel good, not sick," I say, and he nods. "That's excellent."

Dr. McAndrew looks things over before giving me a mini physical like he does everyday. Luke gets bored, so he goes down to the cafeteria to get some breakfast. Let's face it, all that boy does it eat.

"Well, it looks like your ribs are just about healed, and your scars are looking healthy too." He pauses as he looks down as clipboard, skimming something. "It was supposed to be a few more days, due to your unexpected illness, but I don't see the harm if Rya goes home today," he says with a small smile on his face. "I'll have a nurse bring you the discharge papers," he says to mum.

I sit up and gasp. "I can go home?" I ask eagerly. This almost seems too good to be true. Mum grins and nods, and I squeal. Luke walks in holding a bagel and looking through his phone. "I'm going home!" I exclaim excitedly.

It takes about an hour for me to actually be able to leave the hospital, because it takes so long to process the paperwork or whatever. I still have a broken ankle, so I have to use crutches. I'm made to practice using them until the doctor is absolutely certain I won't fall and kill myself, since I've been laying in a bed for nearly three weeks. It's actually a lot harder than I thought, because I'm still so weak. I do get the hang of eventually, and now I'm on my way home.

I never thought I'd miss the outdoor scenery as much as I do right now. I sigh contently, leaning my head against the window and watching the other cars go by. We pass a beach near our house, making me long to go there and run through the sand. As soon as I'm allowed to, I'm going to that beach, I vow to myself.

The ride isn't very long, so we're home fairly quickly. I get out of the car and make my way to the door without falling, even though mum is right behind me to make sure I won't. Luke opens the door for me and I make my way down the hallway, grinning when I see several familiar faces smiling back at me.

"Surprise!" They all yell.

I notice they've hung a Welcome Home, Rya! poster, and there's a tray of cupcakes with blue frosting. Willow skips over and hugs me gently from the side.

"I'm so glad you're okay!" She squeals.

We spend the rest of the afternoon talking and eating, and all the boys keep glancing over at me whenever I get up and use my crutches. Willow seems to notice, because she looks over at them and then to me. I just roll my eyes and shake my head, flopping down on the couch.

"Mum is never gonna let me out of her sight ever again," I sigh.

Willow shrugs. "Probably not. She cried a lot while you were in the hospital," she whispers, flicking her eyes form mine down to her lap. I frown slightly. I forgot that Willow watched the whole incident happen. I lay down and rest y head on her lap, stretching my legs out on the rest of the couch. It's rather hard to do with such a thick, heavy cast on one of my ankles.

"I'm glad you're okay, though," Willow pipes up after a few silent minutes. "Seeing that happen was so terrifying."

I look up at her and try to hug her. It's hard because I'm now laying, but I manage to pull myself up so I can lean on her. "I can't imagine that. I'm glad I'm okay too, though."

Willow sighs, giving me a small smile. "Don't ever do anything like that again," she says, her eyes wide and serious. I nod, locking my pinky with hers.

"Don't worry, I promise."

A/N - Yay for updates! Well anyway, I hope you all have a fantabulous day! Don't be a ghost reader pretty please:) xoxo - Em😊❤️

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