51 | If Only You Knew

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Luke's POV;

I'm hoping that getting Rya to talk about her nightmares will help. I honestly don't know what to do or say. She's so frightened and her nightmares have been getting worse. I just want to help, but I really don't know how. So, this is all I've got.

"I used to dream about loosing Willow. Probably because I was there when she fell. I tried to get her to come down, but she wouldn't and then... yeah." She pauses and plays with her fingers before continuing. "As time went on, the dreams got more violent. I got closer and closer to saving her but was just a second late, and I saw more blood when she died."

I can see the pain in her eyes. Her normally sky blue, sparkling eyes are dull and grayish when she's sad. She stares down the the blanket sadly, and my heart breaks for her.

"They just started getting worse and worse all of a sudden, and I don't know why. Then after the hurricane, I didn't know where you were or if you were hurt or not. I was so scared, and then I found out you were in the hospital..." She trails off and little tears well in her eyes.

"Is that when you started having nightmares about me?" I ask quietly. She nods and slowly leans her head on my shoulder. "I just don't want to loose you," she whispers quietly. I nod and pull her onto my lap. "What do you dream about when I'm in your dreams?" I ask cautiously. Rya pauses for a few minutes, tears rolling down her cheeks. "It's different every time. Usually y-you're bleeding and I can't stop it, and I - I watch you die. Sometimes I hear your voice but I can't find you, and I can tell you're i-in pain but I can't help you because I don't know where you are," she whispers.

I nod and slowly pull her into my chest. "I know bad things happen. And it sucks. It seriously, majorly sucks. We can't control it sometimes, but I promise you that I'll do everything in my power to make sure we're okay." Rya nods, and the gloomy fog that clouds her eyes lifts slightly before they drift shut. She lifts her head and struggles to stay awake, yet somehow manages to give me a tired smile. Luckily, we aren't doing anything other than an interview today, so I pull her down into a laying position and rub her back. "Just sleep," I whisper, humming the song You Found Me, by the Fray. She closes her eyes and within minutes, I can tell by her even breathing that she's sound asleep again. For once, I feel like I actually helped her, and hopefully the worst of this is over.

Both Rya and I were up for quite awhile last night, so neither of us got much sleep. Once Rya fell back asleep after we talked, I ended up doing so as well. I wake up just as Rya is starting to and open my eyes to a pair of glinting green ones. I lift my head up to see Michael's smiling face that looks down on me and Rya hides her face in the pillow.

"You scared me, Mikey." Her already quiet voice is muddled due to her face being in a pillow and Michael laughs. "Sorry little one. But we have an interview to get to." I check the time and see it's almost two; our interview starts at three, so we still have some time. Wow, I guess we were really tired seeing as we slept for about four or five hours. Rya picks up on how long we slept as well as she looks at the clock and smiles. "Hey, I didn't have any nightmares," she says with a small giggle. I realize she's right and give her a smile back. "Yeah." I guess in her case, talking about them really helped. Let's hope it'll stay that way.

We all head to the van parked at the back of the hotel and climb inside. Rya brings her backpack with her laptop and a few snacks, mostly because Michael is always stealing her food. Once we arrive to the radio station where we'll be interviewed the fans don't hesitate to crowd around our van and scream. I'm just glad they aren't banging on the Windows. It's happened before, and it really scared Rya. She refused to admit it, but I could tell by the way she tense next to me and curled into my side as the van tried to leave without hitting anyone. It's even worse when the girls wear rings because it sounds like they're about the shatter all the windows.

Security escorts us safely into the building and like I vowed I would the next time we had to power through a mob, I made Rya get on my back. She didn't even protest, and I'm not complaining. This crowd looks huge and I'm sure she wants to get lost in another crowd just as much as the guys and I want her to. Note the sarcasm.

Once we make it inside Rya settles herself just outside the room we'll be interviewed in and sets herself up on the laptop to finish some online school lessons. Our interview it normal and we get asked a lot of questions we're always asked on a daily basis, so there's nothing really new there. The only semi interesting thing that happens after our interview is I notice Michael texting away on his phone. When he isn't, he's checking his lock screen for notifications every three seconds and a smile engulfs his face when a notification does pop up. Rya catches on too and gives me a closed-mouth smile. I can tell she's pressing her lips together to keep from laughing.

We decide to go out to dinner and the texting continues. No one really knows what to make of this because Michael rarely ever talks to anyone besides us and his family. I'm sure everyone's curious now to see who he's texting and why he's grinning like an idiot. By the looks of it though, I'm guessing this someone is a girl.

After dinner we all just relax in our hotel rooms before having to go to a new place tomorrow. I get out of the shower and tug a shirt on to see Rya is already sound asleep in our bed. I smile and giggle a bit. I hope she sleeps better tonight than she did last night. I never want to have to witness her so upset ever again, but I think her nightmares are finally starting to die away the way the came. It will probably take some time, but it doesn't matter as long as she gets better. I lay down next to her and scroll through my phone, wondering what the next few months of our promo tour will hold for us.

A/N - I actually really liked writing this chapter, so I hope you all like it:) I only have two more exams until I'm free from school! Then I'll have more time to update this story and also my new one, Unbroken! It's about Ashton's little sister, you should go check it out ;) (I'm really into the big brother little sister idea heheh) Xoxo - Em 😊💜

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