28 | Road to Recovery

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I've been in the hospital for nearly three weeks now, considering I was unconscious for a week and two days. It's so boring here, but the doctors won't let me go home until my ribs heal and the risk of post-op infection goes away. I don't even know what that means, but I could care less. All I know is that there are too many things of mine that are supposed to heal before I can leave, and I really just want to go home.

I wake up the following morning just as mum reenters the room. "Good morning, how's my baby girl?"

I sigh, propping myself up on one of my elbows. "Bored. I wanna go home mama," I whine.

She sighs and sits on the edge of my hospital bed. "I know, sweetie," she says with a small frown. "Soon, we just have to be patient." I sigh again and lay back down. I'm losing patience here really fast.

Luke enters a few minutes later, the other three boys behind him. Mikey skips over obnoxiously, making me giggle. I slowly ease into a sitting position. It's still a bit hard because my body is learning how to work without casts and tubes in it.

"Little Hemmo, I've missed you!" Mikey exclaims in a stupid voice. I roll my eyes as I readjust my casted leg, grabbing the pillow my leg was resting on and throwing it at Michael. It takes great effort to succeed at this, making everyone laugh. I fake pout, and Cal ruffles my hair. "You're improving! You couldn't do that last week," he says cheerily, and I smirk before smacking him with another pillow. Perk of being in the hospital: I rarely run out of pillows. Mwahahaha!

"So, how do you feel?" Luke asks as he tosses the pillow back me, hitting me in the face. Mum scolds him for this, but I don't mind. I need some activity around here or else I'll go insane.

"I feel fine, but I wanna go home," I pout, directing this at mum. "Rya," she warns, and I give up on being grumpy for today. Everyone always tries to make sure I'm positive, but sometimes their cheeriness makes me want to strangle them.

"Hm, maybe we can take you to the courtyard!" Ashton suggests, looking at Luke. He nods, thinking over the idea.

"Yeah, I could push you in a wheelchair if you're up for it," he says, and we all turn to mum for approval.

"I suppose, but we need an okay from the doctor," she says, getting up to go get him. I mentally cheer. I'll actually be able to go outside!

It feels as f it's been years since the last time I was outside. Dr. McAndrew agreed to let me go in the courtyard, but a nurse has to accompany us. The nurse and Luke helped ease me into a wheelchair, which I hate to say was kind of hard to do because I'm not fully healed yet, and propped my leg up on one of the leg rest things. I also have to keep an IV in for pain and hydration. I'm able to eat solid food though, which is good since I couldn't stomach it when I first woke up.

I grin as the warm summer air hits my face. I sigh with content as Luke and the other boys walk on either side of me while the nurse pushes the wheelchair around. There are a few other people out here as well, and it's so pretty. She stops me in front of a beautiful pond and I lean slightly to get a better look at the fish swimming around in it. This is difficult to do and also hurts, so I lean back and just take in the sun. The nurse wanders a little bit away from us, but keeps a close eye on me.

"I miss being outside," I say, taking in the prettiness of the courtyard. Luke smiles sadly. "Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be able to go home soon."

I laugh as Michael and Ashton chase each other around, and Luke and Cal eventually join in. They get scolded for being obnoxiously loud though, so they have to keep their voices low. Ashton and Michael continue play fighting, which I find extremely amusing. Cal also splashes water from the pond at Michael, making him chase Cal around some more. Luke and I laugh as we watch them run around like five years olds. They scolded yet again, and my nurse threatens to throw them out of the keep it up. This finally quiets them for good.

We spend about an hour in the courtyard before it starts to get chilly. Dark clouds cover the sky and I shiver as the nurse reappears. "Alright, it looks likes it's about to rain, we better get you back inside before you get sick," she says, pushing the wheelchair hurriedly toward the door. Just as we reach the edge of the courtyard, a huge gust of wind blows and the rain begins to fall. Luke quickly shrugs off his jacket and tosses it over me in an attempt to keep me dry, but it doesn't really work. The nurse quickly pushes me back into the hospital and I giggle, because I haven't had that kind of fun in a while.

Upon returning to my room, I'm swarmed with doctors and nurses since I got wet. They're concerned I'll get sick, even though I've been insisting I feel find for nearly half an hour now.

Luke and the guys leave for the afternoon and I'm kept under close observation. I feel fine though, just tired, so I take a nap. However, I'm awoken around 6pm by the urge to puke.

Mum quickly hands me a bowl and I throw up violently. The taste is awful and I continue heaving even when there's nothing left. Once I'm done, my eyes are watery and my throat burns, so mum gives me water and a toothbrush to wash the gross taste out of my mouth.

Thankfully, I don't throw up anymore for the rest of the evening, even though Dr. McAndrew is highly concerned the rain has given me an infection or virus or something.

I go back to sleep for a while, and when I wake up I notice that it's dark and mum is asleep in the chair next to me. I look at the clock on the wall and see that it's almost 11:00pm. I take a few deep breaths, but they sound weird, and when I cough it's very loud and sounds sickly.

And then I throw up again. I grab the bowl as I feel my throat begin to burn, but since I haven't eaten in a while there's nothing to throw up. My stomach continues heaving though, and I practically gag myself even though there's nothing left to throw up. This wakes mum up, and she sits on the bed next to me and rubs my back until I'm finished.

A nurse takes the bowl away and replaces it with a clean one. I brush my teeth and drink some water again before rubbing my eyes and leaning my head on mum's shoulder with a whimper.

The rest of my night is spent very restlessly tossing, turning, coughing, and throwing up. It kind of reminds me of the time I got tetanus when I was touring with Luke because I had a fever and chills, like I do now.

The weird thing is, when I had tetanus I only wanted my mum. But now the only person I want to console me is Luke.

A/N - aw poor Rya, I hate being sick. Guys I'm so excited because I have next week off, so hopefully I can update lots! Xoxo - Em😊❤️

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