25 | In A Heartbeat

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Listen to Heartbeat by The Fray for this chapter :')

Rya's POV;

I can't help but smile when I hear Luke's familiar voice. He's singing to me.

Lost and insecure, you found me, you found, lying on the floor, surrounded, surrounded...

I watch with teary eyes as Luke and mum hug each other. Why did this happen to me? I don't want to die. I don't like watching Luke and mum when they're so sad. Why can't I wake up?

I sigh, sitting next to them. If only they could know I'm okay. I'm going to wake up, I have to. I won't stop until I wake up. I can't leave them.

Luke's POV

We sit in Rya's room for the rest of the day, just staring. My thoughts begin to drift to the exact time the accident happened. Caden and Willow saw the whole thing. That must have been horrible.

My thoughts are interrupted by a monitor being, and several nurses rush in. Mum gets to her feet as one of the nurses ushers us out of the room. "What's going on?" She asks desperately, although we don't get an answer.

"Luke, come here," mum says, patting her lap. I obediently obey and get up from my play place on the living room floor as mum hugs me in her arms. "Daddy and I have something important to tell you," she says with a smile. I grin. "Really? What is it?" Mum smiles and places a hand over her stomach, making me confused. "Does your tummy hurt?" I ask, confused as to what she's trying to tell me. Daddy chuckles, making mama smile. "No, honey. You're going to have a baby brother or sister!" My eyes widen as a smile appears on my face. "Really? I won't be the baby of the family anymore!" This makes mum and dad laugh more, and I excitedly place my hand over mum's, both resting on her stomach.

It feels like it's been hours as we stand in the hallway outside Rya's room. I pay close attention to what the nurses and Doctor are doing, trying to understand what's gone wrong.

Finally, all the nurses leave and go back to whatever they were doing, followed by Dr. McAndrew. "Alright, Rya's lung just collapsed. We were able to fix it, but she's not breathing on her own right now. We had to ventilate her. This is basically just a machine that helps her breathe because her body is too weak to do it on its own right now."

My heart speeds up again as I glance past Dr. McAndrew and through the little window in the door. Rya now has a tube in her mouth, which is breathing for her.

"Will she ever be able to breathe on her own again?" Mum asks, her voice right. Dr. McAndrew nods. "There's a very high chance. We just put this in as a precaution since her body is already so weak. It will just help to save her some energy. We're hoping this will help her recover a bit more quickly, and more efficiently." Mum nods, and we resume our places beside her bed.

"Is it a boy or a girl, mama?" I exclaim as soon as mum and dad come back from their appointment. They've just gone to find out whether I'm having another brother, or a baby sister! Mum grins. "You'll be having a baby sister!" She exclaims. I grin. "Yes! No more brothers!" I cheer. Mum laughs and brings me into a hug, kissing my forehead. "Were you good for your brothers?" I nod with a smile. "Yes, I was very obedient." Dad smiles and ruffles my hair. "Good boy. Want to help us decorate your little sister's nursery later?" I gasp and nod eagerly. "Yes! Wait... What kinds of things do girls like in their rooms?" I ask, making mum smile. "Leave that to me. I'll pick it all out, and you can help put it in place." I grin eagerly, already excited to meet my new baby sister.

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