26 | The Fighter

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Listen to The Fighter by The Fray during this chapter (Psh that's totally not where I got the chap name)

Rya's POV;

I hear a loud beeping sound, snapping my head in the direction it's coming from. I see a terrified Luke and mum gripping each other in the corner as a swarm of nurses rushes in. I recognize the paddles they use to shock a person when they're dying. Suddenly, I feel extremely tired, and see a warm, welcoming light by the door. It looks so peaceful, so happy. I wouldn't have to watch everyone I love suffer anymore. I slowly start to walk towards it, but a voice in the back of head tells me to stay.

They'll suffer even more if you die.

I turn around, studying Luke and mum, tears streaming down both their faces.

"Rya, don't go! You have to stay, you can't die yet!" Luke shouts over the commotion. I bite my lip, angry at myself for even considering going to the light.

A nurse rubs the paddles together, pressing them to my chest. I gasp at the sharp pain felt, seeing the light fade away. She shocks me again, the pain much stronger this time. I'm beginning to feel weaker, which could be a good thing. Maybe that means I'll be able to wake up soon. I just have to figure out how to get back into body first, as weird as that sounds.

Once I've been declared as stable and the nurses leave, Luke rushes over and grabs my hand. I sigh, not being able to feel it. I reach my hand out, longing for his touch. What I would give to be able to feel the comforting squeeze his hand gives me...

"Rya, you cannot die on me," he says, his voice tight. I can see the dried tear tracks stained on his face, and I wish I could just wake up already. "Please, you have to stay."

"Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere," I whisper, wishing desperately he could hear me.

Then, he begins to sing again. It's the same song, one of my favorite songs ever, and also the first one he taught me how to play. I can't wait to play it on my very own guitar once I'm better. Luke and could even do a duet!

The next day, Ben and Jack come back to visit a little before work, and so does Willow. She hugs my mom tightly, and I wish I could hug her, too. I forgot that she and Caden watched a car run me over. She stays cuddled against her mum, they and mum and Luke just staring at me sadly.

"I yelled for her to get out of the way, but I was too late," Willow whispers sadly, holding her mum tighter. Luke lifts his dull, now bluish-gray eyes to look at her. "It's okay," he says quietly. "There wasn't anything more you could have done." He squeezes her hand reassuringly, making me smile. Like I said earlier, Luke is just as much Willow's brother as he is mine.

A little while later, I'm surprised to see Caden hovering in the doorway. "I just thought I'd come see how she's doing," he says, looking very upset. Mum lists off all my injuries to him and Willow, who burrows her face into her mum's shoulder. Ugh, I don't want to watch them suffer anymore, I just want to wake up!

As the days go by, Willow, Caden, Ashton, Lauren, Harry, Mikey, and Cal all come to see me whenever they can. Willow stays by my side for most of the time, spending the majority of her days in my hospital room. Mum and Luke are also always here; they rarely ever leave. Luke sings to me everyday, and I've made it a habit to sing along with him, even though no one can hear me. He sings "You Found Me" by the Fray everyday, along with a few different ones. It's kind of become a ritual, I look forward to hearing him sing it every morning and every night. My room has also become very festive; it's filled with balloons and flowers and get well soon cards.

The other boys also update me on stuff that's happening in their lives when they're here. Ashton spends a lot of time with his family, as do Cal and Mikey. They talk about random stuff, like how Mikey found a cute girl at a local bar and Cal is suspicious Mali has a new boyfriend. Ashton just rambles about random stuff, which makes me laugh. He talks about Lauren and Harry and then gets so off-topic he starts talking about why grass is green or his theory of humanity or something. He's a very intelligent person.

I sigh, watching Luke and mum squeeze my hands like they do everyday. I'm going to get better, I know this now. I can't leave them, and I don't plan on doing so anytime soon.

Luke's POV;

It's been a week. Rya has been in a coma for an entire week. It's dragged by so agonizingly slow, it feels as if it's been a year.

I get to my feet when I see Ashton's text telling me he's here. Almost everyday, I just wander the courtyard with him, talking things over and just trying to keep my mind off of Rya.

Thankfully, she's off the ventilator and breathing on her own now.

"That's good, that means she's more likely to wake up," Ashton says as we wander around outside. He's been trying to keep me positive.

I nod. "Yeah, hopefully."

Ashton sighs, stopping in his tracks which makes me bump into him.

"Luke, you have to stay positive. She just needs time to recover, this was a very traumatic experience. She'll be fine, I know she will."

Part of me believes him, while the other half is unconvinced. I decide to just go with it, not feeling up to arguing today. "Okay," I sigh in defeat, and I follow Ashton back up to her room. Maybe what Ashton's saying is right. Rya's always been positive and happy, so why shouldn't I be?

I huff, slamming the door behind me and stomping up to my room. I didn't even notice Rya playing in the living room, or the fact that she noticed how upset I am and followed me up to my room.

I stare angrily at my wall, pouting on my bed as Rya pokes her head through the doorway. "What's wrong?" She asks, skipping into my room. I just shake my head. It's stupid, I don't want her to know. "C'mon, Lukey," she insists, tugging on my shirt sleeve. I sign, turning to face her. "Fine, but you can't laugh. I went to the movies today, and some other guys were making fun of my green sunglasses," I say, staring down at them in my hands. Rya is silent for a moment, seeming to be thinking something over. "You don't have to worry. Not everyone is gonna like you. It's their loss if they don't, but they all have different thoughts of different people," she says, and how wise her words are surprises me. "They're only making fun of you because they have nothing better to do, and they're jealous because you're different." I furrow my eyebrows. "What? Why would they be jealous that I'm different? Being different is bad." Rya shakes her head. "Being different is good, because it's more interesting. There's no one else like you on this entire planet, don't you find that cool?" She inquires, looking up at me. I stare down at her, shocked. "We're unique, you and I. Don't let it bother you, it's good to be different," Rya says before skipping off. I'm left sitting on my bed stunned. How could an eight year old girl be so smart?

Then, another thought appears in my head. That boy stood up for me. Ashton, I think he said his name was. Maybe Rya's right, maybe it's good to be different.

"Whatcha thinking about?" Ashton asks as we walk to the cafeteria to grab a soda. I chuckle to myself, and tell him about the memory I was thinking over. He smiles. "That was how we met," he says, grabbing a Coke. I nod, also smiling. "Yeah, it was."

I go back up to Rya's room after Ashton leaves and mum kisses me quickly. "I have to go home and shower, will you be alright here alone for a while?" She asks. I nod, sitting next to Rya again. "Yeah, go. I'll be fine," I assure, getting ready to sing again. Mum smiles before leaving, and I sing to Rya again. Suddenly, I hear a small squeaking sound.


A/N - I'm sorry about the cliffhanger, I just had to! But Rya woke up, yay! I'm lame, I'm sorry😂 xoxo - Em😊❤️

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