58 | 20 Going On 12

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Rya's POV;

Michael's surprise birthday party isn't anything huge, it's just a bunch of friends and family gathered at Calum's house. Luke had planned on having it at Michael's but no one could get him out of his 'man cave,' as he likes to call it. So, Mrs. Hood was eager to volunteer. She loves hosting parties and loves making food and snacks for everyone even more, so it's all working out.

"Mikey!" I call as Luke drops me off at his house. We all agreed that I'd be the one to distract him and keep him busy until the party is ready, so here we are. I'll be spending the day with my favorite person ever!

"Hi kids," Mrs. Karen greets with a kind smile. She opens the door and lets us inside. "Michael's in his man cave, like usual," she chuckles as she waltzes into the kitchen. Luke and I head down into the basement where Mikey is sitting on an old sofa with headphones on, focusing intensely on some video game he's playing.

I skip over to the basement while Luke stays back to explain our plan to Mrs. Karen, who nods and grins excitedly. I stand behind Mikey, who's seated on the couch, knowing that if I scare him and make him loose whatever game he's playing he'll be extremely angry. I've learned from experience.

I lean against the wall as I wait for him to finally finish, pumping a fist in the air, so I'm assuming he won. After another few minutes he finally looks over and notices me watching him.

"Little Hemmo, whatcha doing here?" He questions. I fake a pout, "Luke's going out somewhere and mum can't watch me, neither can Ben or Jack, so I'm stuck with you," I huff, pretending to be annoyed. Mikey just smiles fondly down at me. "Aw, is the little baby not big enough to stay home by herself?" He says in a baby voice with his lower lip stuck out. I scoff and smack his shoulder before Luke calls us up.

"Okay, I'm leaving now, be good," he says, ruffling my hair and giving me a wink. I roll my eyes and smack his hand away. Mikey gives us a weird look, almost as if he's suspicious of us. Luke gives a final smile as he leaves, Mrs. Karen going with him. Now Michael looks even more confused.

"I have to run some errands, I'll be back later," she says, waving goodbye.

Michael just shrugs and turns to me. "Well, whatcha wanna do?" He questions now that we're alone. I shrug, causing Mikey to roll his eyes. "Geez, what do you and Luke do all day?" He questions.

I laugh and shrug again. "I don't know, we're forced to live together," I giggle.

Michael grins mischievously. "Well, how about I give you a makeover?"

I furrow my eyebrows as he grabs his wallet and keys. "Like what?" I question. "Luke loved the last 'makeover' you gave my hair," I giggle.

Michael wiggles his eyebrows. "And he'll love this one even more."

"It's perfect!" Michael exclaims. Two hours of shopping and a bottle of hair dye later, I'm staring at myself in the mirror in his entryway with wide eyes and an open mouth.

My hair is now dip dyed purple; Michael wanted it to be red, but the blue was still partially there. I also have a few purple streaks in my hair, and Michael has dressed me in black skinny jeans, a Twenty One Pilots band tee, black vans and a black choker. He even insisted I wear eye shadow and mascara, which I'm surprised he even knows about.

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