21 | Picking Up the Pieces

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It's been a week. Seven days since my father made me choose between him and mum. Seven days since he just walked out without another word. Six days since I heard him say he never wanted a fourth child. Five days since I started calling him everyday.

I don't know if I'll ever get over the fact that he never wanted me. Seeing all the pain that I've caused between them, especially mum now that he's gone, makes me feel horrible. There's no way she wants me now.

I've been trying to call him since the morning following the night he left, but every time I try, his phone goes straight to voicemail. Neither of us have heard from him since.

I lay in bed, staring at the ceiling as the birds outside begin to chirp. It's fairly early yet, and I'm sure mum is still asleep, so here I am, just staring at me ceiling, letting my thoughts take over.

Willow was the first person I told about my father leaving. Actually, she's the only person I told. I don't even know if my brothers know. I wonder if mum told them.


Does Luke know? Surprisingly, he hasn't called this week. That's odd, but he's probably just busy.

But did mum tell him? What about Ben and Jack?

My thoughts are interrupted when I hear the door open and a quiet yet familiar voice calls throughout the house. I quickly jump up and race downstairs, launching myself at Jack.

"Hey peanut, where ya been?" He jokes, ruffling my hair. A few minutes later, Ben arrives, looking confident and smug as usual. "What, no hug for you biggest and bestest brother?" He teases. I roll my eyes, sticking my tongue out at him as we go into the kitchen. "Where are the elders?" Jack teases, referring to our parents. I gulp silently. They don't know about dad.

"Mum's still sleeping," I say, hoping they'll just assume dad's at work. I really don't want to be the one to explain everything I overheard them say, especially about not wanting a fourth child.

"Dad's working? It's Saturday," Jack says, furrowing his eyebrows. I shift uncomfortably in my seat, staring down at the toast I've just made for myself. Now I have to tell them.

"No. He... left," I whisper quietly, taking I bite out of my toast.

Ben and Jack exchange confused glances. "Left where? Like a business trip?" They press.

I shake my head. "He's gone. And he's never coming back." I sigh, telling them about how they always argued and how dad made me choose. I make sure to leave out the part that concerns me most: him not wanting me.

Ben and Jack sit in silence, looking shocked. "Wow," Ben says, eyebrows raised. "I can't believe he just up and left," Jack agrees.

I sigh again, shrugging. "I've tried calling him everyday since he left, but it goes straight to voicemail." Ben frowns, reaching across the table and ruffling my hair. I chuckle, then lift my head up to see mum. She looks exhausted. I can tell by the look on her face she understands that I've told them what happened concerning dad.

We sit in silence for a bit, eating breakfast and just fiddling around. Suddenly, Jack breaks the silence. "What about Luke? Does he know?" I turn to mum, since I haven't told him, and she shakes her head. I bite my lip, my eyes widening when I see he's calling me right now. Everyone looks at my phone in sync, the irony taking over us.

"I can tell him," I say, answering his call.

"Guess who's gonna be eleven in three days?" Luke asks in an excited singsong voice. I smile, I almost forgot my birthday is coming up!

"Meeee," I chirp, trying to sound a little bit happy. It's not that hard, I'm always happy and giddy around Luke. I think it's just because he's so fun to annoy by being happy all the time, since he has a very laid-back personality. "Are you coming back for my birthday?" I ask excitedly.

"Of course, I can't miss my little sister's birthday!" He exclaims as if it's obvious. I giggle, and a silence settles between us. "You heard from dad yet?" He finally asks. Guilt rises inside me when I realize I haven't even told him he came back before leaving for good.

"Yeah, about that," I start. I proceed to explain everything that's happened in the past week or so, and when I'm finished, there's silence on the other end. I suddenly find myself going up to my room and closing the door. I have to tell him what I heard. I have to know if what our father said about never wanting me is really true.

"This happened a week ago? And you're just telling me now?" He asks, seeming shocked and offended. I sigh. "I kind of tried to not think about it..." I trailed off. "Besides, you never called so I figured you guys were busy." There's another pause. "Was I a mistake?" I blurt suddenly. I take even myself by surprise, and I hear Luke stammering on the other end of the phone.

"What? How - why would you think that?"

I take a deep breath, frowning. "The night dad came back, him and mom got into a huge argument. He - he said he never wanted a fourth child," I whisper, bringing my knees to my chest as I crawl into my bed.

Luke is silent for a moment. "Rya, you were not a mistake. Mum and dad didn't plan any of us, we were all surprises. Trust me, they both love you, we all love you. It was just a heat of the moment thing."

I sigh, still slightly unconvinced. "Okay," I finally say.

"So, what're you gonna do for your birthday party?" Luke asks, trying to change the subject to something more fun.

I smile, excited to see him and the guys again on my eleventh birthday. "I dunno, it's just gonna be a get together sorta thing, I guess. As long as you're there, I don't care what we do," I say with a giggle. Luke and I have always been close, especially concerning birthdays and holidays.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world," he says, and I can tell by his tone that's smiling. "Don't worry, we'll be okay. I promise," Luke says before we say our goodbyes.

I smile. "I know. Bye, see you soon, Lukey." I hang up the phone and sprawl out across my bed. I know now that everything will by fine. It may take some time, but we'll be okay. We always are.

A/N - Oohh it's getting spicy up in hereeee! What do you guys think is gonna happen in the next chapter? Let me know what you think please! Xoxo - Em😊❤️

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