4 | Radio Riot

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Thankfully, Luke was able to work things out with Ashton, and they made up. Ashton also told me how sorry Tiffany was for pushing me, but she told him it was an 'accident.' I knew it was no accident, because she told me not to tell anyone. Even if it was, she'd have been more afraid rather than angry. I could tell Luke didn't buy the story either, but she apologized, so I guess it'll be okay.

Today is our last full day in LA. The boys are going to another radio station to do an interview and play a few songs live, and tomorrow morning we're getting ready to go to London. I'm really excited, because before this summer, I had never been out of Australia.

I woke up early again today, being the first one up as usual. Because of the time difference between LA and Australia, I decided to text mom and see what was happening there. I don't know exactly how many hours ahead or behind or whatever we are, so I hope she's not sleeping.

By ten o'clock, no one else is up, and I know they have something happening at noon. Better wake them all up!

I grin as I watch Luke sleeping peacefully. He won't be for long. I jump onto the bed, landing on his feet. Kneeling on his legs, I bounce up and down and hit him with my pillow.

"Time to wake up!" I say. He groans, grabbing my arm and tugging me off of him. I giggle as I land on my side next to him, and shove his shoulder. "C'mon, seriously Lukeee," I whine. He lets out a long sigh before getting up and running his hands through his hair.

"Okay, I'm up," he groans with a chuckle. I smile and turn to see Calum coming into our room.

"Mikey's still asleep, and I don't wanna wake him," he says, rubbing his eyes. Luke turns to me with a sly smile, and Calum follows.

"What?" I ask, confused.

"You do it," Luke says. My eyes widen as I realize what they're saying.

"You want me to wake Mikey up?" I say with a gasp. Cal chuckles and ruffles my hair.

"You're small and innocent, he at least won't kill you." I roll my eyes.

"Whatever." I cross the hall to the room Mikey and Cal share and hear Ashton talking, probably on the phone.

"No, you could've really hurt her, Tiffany, this is serious," I hear him say. Ew, Tiffany. I shrug and walk to the next door, sliding my key in and quietly creeping inside. Michael is sprawled across his entire bed, still sound asleep. I do the same thing I did to Luke, jumping on top of him.

"Get up, Mikey! Time to start a brand new day and have lots of fun!" He groans, burying his face in the pillow.

"How do you have so much energy in the morning? It's still early yet," he groans. I laugh.

"Early? It's ten o'clock! I've been up since 7:30," I say, shaking him. He groans louder, finally dragging himself out of bed.

"You have problems," he teases. I smile innocently.

"Do not!" I exclaim, shoving him. He rolls his eyes, throwing me over his shoulder as he crosses the hall back into Luke's room. I squeal as he throws me onto the bed, sitting up and punching his shoulder. Luke and Cal exchange shocked glances, then look to me, then to Mikey, and back to me. I look between the three of them, confused once again.


Cal raises his eyebrows, looking surprised. "No ones ever been able to wake Mikey up so fast, let alone get him out of bed and up and walking around," he says with a chuckle. Luke smiles and ruffles my hair again.

"See, it's the charm," he jokes. I smirk, sticking out my tongue, and he does it back. Ah, we're such children at heart.

A few minutes later, Ashton comes in, looking distracted and otherwise occupied.

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