17 | Home Sweet Home

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A/N - To the top/side is a cute lil family photo heh:)

I can't believe that this tour is already over! It feels like just yesterday mum was telling me I was allowed to go and I surprised Luke on stage. I sigh as I lean my head against the plane window, watching the land get smaller and smaller.

Before I know it, Luke is nudging me gently. I lift my head from the window and rub my eyes, noticing everyone is getting up and stretching. "We're home," Luke says with a smile. I find myself grinning. I forgot how much I missed mum and dad!

We get off the plane and gather our luggage, and I hold Luke's hand as we file through the crowds of people. I stand on my tiptoes, searching for our parents as tons of people push past us. I spot my mum's head and grin. "Over there!" I exclaim, tugging Luke's hand. We make our way through the crowd until I can see mum and dad looking around for us. "Mum!" I shout, attracting her attention immediately. She turns and a huge grin spreads across her face.

"Rya! How was my baby girl on tour?" She exclaims as I run into her arms.

"It was so fun!" I exclaim. She lifts me up and squeezes me tight, kissing all over my face. I can't wait to tell her and Willow all about everything that happened!

"Did you see me sing?" I ask timidly from the backseat of the car.

Mum turns around and grins. "I watched it live, you were absolutely amazing!" she exclaims with a smile. I smile shyly, feeling my cheeks get hot.

Luke nudges me. "I told you," he says with a smile.

"So what's been happening at home?" I ask, smiling at my familiar surroundings. I missed how beautiful Australia is. Mum and dad exchange uneasy glances, making me frown.

"Oh, nothing really. We didn't have our little ball of energy to run after," she says with a laugh. I smile as we get home and see a large banner reading, Welcome Home! All the boys' fathers are here, along with Willow, Lauren, Harry and Mali. I get out of the car and immediately run to Willow.

"WILLOW!" I shriek, tackling her. She grins so wide her face looks like it's about to break, and she hugs me tightly back.

"missed you so much!" She shrieks. We hug for a long time, until the other three boys arrive with their mothers. This is a while, since they all go home first to unpack and settle down.

Everyone reunites in our backyard, and I couldn't be any happier. It's hard living all alone with mum and dad while Luke is on tour. I'm sure it is for the other mums too, they must miss their boys like crazy while they're gone. I'm already worrying about how lonely I'll be when they leave again.

We spend the day telling stories about everything we did on tour, leaving out some dangerous things I got into, of course. I do mention Caden, just not how we met. If mum found out I ran off, she'd be triple as angry as the boys were.

"And who's this Caden lad you speak of?" Mum asks with a skeptical look. I grin sheepishly and Willow gives me a knowing look, because I already told her about him.

"He's just a boy I met in London," I sigh, trying not to let the other boys staring at me make me uncomfortable. Mum nods, but still looks suspicious. I try to push it aside and focus on the fact that we're all finally together again. I don't think we've all been together like this since before the guys got famous.

Dad brings out a cake and all the mums cheer. It has a picture of the boys onstage. My eyes widen when I see that I'm also on the stage. A small smile forms on my lips as everyone gather around to get a piece.

"I'm so glad you're back," Willow says as we sit on the patio with our cake. "I've had to deal with Macy all by myself," she says with an annoyed look. I roll my eyes. Macy lives around the corner from me and Willow, so we're always running into her at the park. She's mean and stuck up, just because her dad owns a huge clothing business. Because of this, she gets fancy clothes for free all the time. Really though, we're ten years old, so the kids in our grade could care less. We only care that she's so mean to everyone, and wish she was nicer.

Safety Pin | Luke Hemmings' Little Sister (COMPLETED) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें