33 | Shock to the System

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Mum had to drag me away from the park screaming that day. She lifted me into her arms and I sobbed and sobbed and sobbed until I couldn't breathe. That was arguably the worst day of my life.

That day was five days ago. It's been five days without Willow, and already I can't bear it. It doesn't feel real. It feels like a horrible nightmare that I can't wake up from. I wish it was. I wish I could wake up from this. But I can't.

Mum thankfully is letting me take the week off from school. I don't want to go back, because everyone will be talking about Willow, acting like they knew her. But they didn't. I did. She's my best friend.

She was.

I sit in my room, staring at the wall. I've been doing this for the past five days. Tomorrow is Willow's funeral. I've been dreading this day since the moment Willow's parents found out about the incident. That's what I've decided to call it. I can't bear to actually say that she's . . . dead.

My phone continues to buzz, but I don't want to check it. Mum had to go to work, so Jack agreed to stay with me during the weekdays. They don't trust me to be home alone. But I don't care.

My phone continues to buzz, so I finally roll over and unlock it with a huff. There are several missed calls and texts from all the boys, and even people from school. How did they even get my number?

Suddenly, Luke's name pops up on the screen. He's calling me. Part of me wants to answer, and part of me doesn't. But I've been avoiding him for five days. He's probably worried sick. Does he even know? Mum must have told him . . .

I sigh and answer the phone. I hear lots of commotion on the other line.

"Hey," Luke says sadly. He sounds surprised I actually answered. I can tell by his voice that he knows. Mum told him.

"Hi," I whisper, pulling my blankets over my head.

It's silent for a moment. Neither one of us knows what to say.

"I heard about . . ." He trials off, and I burry myself deeper into the blankets.

"Yeah," I whisper again.

"I'm so sorry, Rya."

I didn't realize I was crying until I feel my tears drop onto my bare arms. I quickly wipe my eyes and blink rapidly.

"Me too."

I don't really know what to say, if there's even anything to say.

"Her funeral is tomorrow," I say suddenly. Luke is silent for a moment.

"I know. Mum told me."

There's a muffled voice on the other end before Luke speaks again.

"I gotta go, but I'll see you really soon. I love you, okay?" He says gently and I nod. I've been hoping he would come back for the funeral. I don't know how emotional I'll be, but hopefully him being with me will help.

"Okay. I love you too, Lukey," I whisper, a tiny smile forming on my lips. I can always count on him to make me smile.

But then he hangs up, and I'm alone again. I decide to go downstairs and see what Jack's up to. Maybe we can do something to take my mind off of everything.

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