13 | Safe and Sound

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Side note - Above is a picture of Rya and Luke, just a cute visual:)

I slept for nearly 24 hours straight after having to stay up all night with four drunk boys. I wake up feeling refreshed for the most part, but my arm is really sore. Like always, I'm the first one awake, so I take the bandaid off my arm and see the cut seems to have grown. It's slightly bigger and also red and swollen. I touch it and wince. A shooting pain fires up my arm, and something pinches in my neck. I wince again, rubbing the back of my neck and tilting it from side to side. It's really stiff, but I shake it off and slide out of my bunk. I check my phone and just as I turn it on, I get an incoming FaceTime call from Willow. Oh my gosh, I haven't seen her in so long! I eagerly accept, and I grin as her face appears on my screen.

"Oh my gosh! Rya!" She squeals. Her wavy brown hair is pulled back and her eyes are shining.

"Willow, I've missed you so much!" I squeal back.

"Oh my gosh, you have to tell me everything that's happened!" I take a breath, starting from the beginning of the tour. Her eyes widen.

"Oh my gosh! So much has happened! But what about you and Caden? Oh my gosh he sounds adorable!" She squeals.

I giggle. "That's what Lauren said."

"Oh, I heard about Michael and Ashton, how're they doing?"

I nod, "They're fine now. I saw Mikey's face when he got burnt, it was so scary."

She nods. "I bet, I can't imagine seeing that. And Ashton, having to call 911 like that!"

I nod again. "Yeah, it's certainly been an adventure," I conclude. My face falls suddenly, and I don't really know why.

"What's wrong?" Willow asks, watching me with sad eyes.

"I just feel like all I've been doing is getting into trouble on tour. I mean, look at everything that's happened because of me on this tour. Luke would've been able to have a good time and my mum wouldn't have yelled at him if I wasn't here."

Willow smiles sadly. "It's not your fault, Rya. They're responsible for you. That means they have to give some things up so they can make sure you're safe. They wouldn't have asked for you to come if they didn't want you here." Willow is so wise. How is she so smart?

"Thanks Willow, I miss you so much." She smiles. "I miss you too."

"Oh my gosh! You have to tell me what's happening back at home! Anything interesting?"

Her face lights up. "Oh! Landon asked Bailey out on a date earlier this inner and they kissed and now they're dating! They're the cutest couple ever, and Bailey is super nice to me!" Willow exclaims.

Landon is her older brother, he's a few years younger than Luke.

"Awww! You have to send me pictures! I can't wait to meet her!" Willow nods eagerly, and I hear a groan from Mikey.

"Shut up, I'm trying to sleeepppp," he whines.

I roll my eyes and Willow giggles. "Only one up as usual huh?"

I nod. "Those boys, I swear," I joke, pretending to sound like my mum. She always says that when they get wild.

"Come say hi," I giggle eagerly as I flip the camera and point it at Mikey. I turn the flash on just to annoy him, and he squints before covering his eyes.

"Rya, knock it off before I chase you of this fricken bus," he grumbles.

"Well, he's obviously not a morning person," I say to Willow. She giggles.

"Hi Mikey!"

"C'mon Mikey say hi to Willow!" I coo. He picks up his pillow and throws it at me, making me squeal.

"Hey! That's not nice!" I shriek.

"Neither is shining a flashlight in my face," he grumbles. I giggle and throw the pillow back at him, and he opens his eyes.

"Okay, you're gonna get it now," he says with a chuckle.

"Wish me luck Willow!" I shriek before hanging up. I toss my phone onto the little kitchen table and gasp as Mikey lifts me up and tosses me onto the couch in the back.

"I think you need a lesson from the tickle monster," he says deviously.

"Mikey, NO!" I scream as he tackles me and tickles me all over. I hear the other boys groaning as they stick their heads out of their bunks.

"Why are you up so early?" Calum groans.

"Ask Rya," Mikey says, slapping me with a pillow.

"I was talking to Willow!" I defend myself. He rolls his eyes.

"You could've been quieter," he jokes.

I raise my eyebrows. "When have you ever know two ten year old girls to actually be quiet when they're talking?" I tease. Mikey pushes me onto my back and hits me again with the pillow before crawling back into his bunk.

"Meanie!" I call after him. He just flips me off, and I gasp.

"Luke, Mikey gave me the middle finger!" I tease in a taddling voice.

"Taddle tale," Mikey mutters.

"Bully," I retort.

"Hey, children in the room, keep it PG Michael," Ashton scolds. I giggle as I pick up my vibrating phone. It's my mum again.

"Hi mum!" I chirp.

Cal squints at me, rubbing his eyes. "How are you so energetic this early in the morning?"

I just grin and skip to the front of the bus, and begin talking to my mum about what Willow's updated me on. She laughs and confirms its true, and I tell her about the pillow fight me and Mikey had.

"I'm gonna go eat, bye mum," I say.

"Alright, I love you bug," she says.

"I love you too," I chirp, hanging up. I wince again at my arm, and feel the sharp pain in my neck again. Weird. I replace the old bandaid with a new one and eat some cereal with the guys. Then we're off to our next place, but I don't even know where we're headed. It's okay, though, because I enjoy the mystery.

A little while later, as we all laze around while the bus bumps along the road, Luke sits down next to me on the couch in the back.

"Hey, can we talk?" He says.

"Mhm." I turn off my phone and turn to him. Uh oh, he looks serious. I don't like it when we have serious talks, they're usually bad.

"I overheard you talking to Willow this morning. Is it true you really feel guilty about being here?" I can tell he feels bad, but it's true.

I nod reluctantly. "I ruin everything," I say sadly, staring at my phone in my lap.

"What? That's not true, Ry," he says sincerely.

"But it is. You should've been able to enjoy your birthday night getting drunk and having fun, but instead I made you leave early and then mum yelled at you. And the whole Tiffany thing, and the running away. That was my fault."

"Rya, it was my fault I left you alone in that bar. I shouldn't have done that, and you're the one who took care of me that night. You really stepped up, and I'm sure taking care of four drunk guys isn't easy."

I chuckle. "No, it wasn't," I say with a small smile.

"Rya, we love having you here. You're certainly a handful sometimes, but we all are. Really, you're not dragging us down or ruining our fun, I promise. I'm just glad you get to be here."

I smile. "I'm glad I'm here too." "So you're okay now?"

I nod and lean my head on his shoulder. "Safe and sound, I promise."

A/N - Aww, Luke, you're such a good big brother. But wow holy cheesiness, that ending was so corny😂 I enjoyed writing this chapter so much because it was all fluff, and I love it. I hope you guys did too! Comment thoughts please!:) Xoxo - Em🤗❤️

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