57 | Family Day

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[okay can we just take a moment and appreciate how cuddly Luke looks like wife me already please. My lovely lil string bean breadstick noodle boy awh]

Rya's POV;

We spend the rest of the day lounging around. Mum came home earlier than usual because the school called her and told her about how I ran away. Caden's and Jess' parents also got calls, resulting in them getting in minor trouble, but they were luckily allowed to stay. Having mum meet Jess like this was kind of awkward, but hey, at least we'll always remember the day we met.

Thankfully, no one really made a big deal about what happened the following day, and school proceeds as normal. Caden and I officially consider Jess a part of our friend circle, which now consists of three people. The days continue to go by normally, and I remember not to let Macy's rudeness affect me. Some days are better than others, but I'm glad I have the boys on my side, as well as Caden and Jess.

Before I know it, it's already the end of November. Caden, Jess and I walk down the sidewalk, thankful it's the weekend. Michael's birthday is only a week away. I can't believe he'll be 20!

"What should I get Mikey for his birthday?" I question as we walk to the local park. Jess squints at something in the distance as we walk. "Isn't he into video games?"

I nod with a smile. Michael was the one who got me into them. He and Luke were always playing against each other when we were younger and sometimes they'd let me play as well. That's one of the many, many reasons I'm so competitive.

"Yeah, you should get him a new video game or something," Caden says. I shrug and kick a pebble in front of me.

"I've done that every year. He's turning 20 this year! It has to be special," I say. Even though the boys won't be here, I'm planning on mailing it to Michael or giving it to him in person when he does come back.

"I know exactly what I'm going to do," I grin as an idea comes to mind, "And Mikey's going to love it."

I've spent the entire week working on Michael's birthday present. It's going to be amazing, and he's going to love it. I can't wait for the next time he comes back to Australia because he's going to flip when he opens it.

Jess follows me to my house excitedly. She's actually really good at art, so I agreed to let her help put the finishing touches on Mikey's birthday surprise.

When we get to my driveway, I notice the familiar cars parked and shake my head. "I'm just warning you now, my two other brothers are here today so watch out." Jess giggles as we enter the house and Ben and Jack are leaned against the counter nonchalantly, except they have stupid grins plastered on their faces. I narrow my eyes at them as I walk in and see mum sipping her coffee.

"Don't ask me, I just got here," she says with a sigh. I shake my head and roll my eyes as I go into the living room where Mikey's nearly finished present sits on the coffee table.

"Ben, Jack, this is my new friend Jess. Jess, these are two of my three brothers, Ben and Jack." I point to each as I say their names and they smile even wider and glance at each other. "I'm sorry, they're always strange but never this weird," I giggle. Jess just shrugs with a smile and we get to work. Not even ten minutes later, Jack flops down on the couch and whines tiredly.

"Rya, can you be a good little sister and go grab me a blanket?" He asks with big puppy dog eyes.

I scoff and roll my eyes once more. "There's a trunk literally right at your feet full of blankets, just sit up and grab one," I mutter.

Jack sighs, "But I don't like those. I like the fuzzy gray one on your bed," he whines. I sigh as Jess giggles. Jack gives a cheeky smile when he notices he's making her laugh.

"Ben, go grab your stupid brother my blanket," I call.

Ben sighs and flops down on the other couch behind Jess and I, "But I'm tired too," he whines. I let out a long sigh and get to my feet, shooting my brothers a glare.

"All I want to do is finish this present, but I guess I'll have to wait," I huff. "C'mon Jess, let's go," I sigh.

I stomp into my room to grab the blanket that Jack was whining about but pause when I notice a large body laying under the covers of my bed.

"No offense, but your family is kind of strange," Jess giggles as she eyes the figure in my bed. "Yeah, tell me about it," I murmur. I debate whether or not I should alert someone of the stranger in my bed, but decide against it and just jump on them instead. Just as I'm about to do so, the covers fly to the foot of the bed and a familiar blonde towers above me.

"BOO!" He shouts. I jump and squeal. After regaining my composure, I gasp and run up to my favorite brother.

"Luke!" I exclaim, wrapping my arms around his torso.

"Surprise!" He grins down at me as I hug him tightly.

"You didn't tell me you were coming home!" I exclaim, tilting my head far back to look up at Luke's face. He shakes his head as he swings me behind him and onto his back.

"That's the point of a surprise, silly!" I giggle as he stomps down the stairs and waltzes down the hall. Mum has a similar reaction to mine as she hugs him. Ben and Jack join in goofily and we partake in a huge family group hug.

"I'm so glad you're back! I missed you tons," I state as I flop on top of my brother, lounging on the couch.

"I guarantee I missed you more," Luke chuckles and I shake my head.

"There's no way that's possible," I argue. He just laughs and rolls his eyes before shoving me onto the floor. I let out a whine and climb back on him as he sits up with a groan.

"So how's school? Is that Macy girl still bothering you?" Luke questions. I roll my eyes. Macy has actually been very annoying lately, I just choose to ignore it.

"Yes, she's super bratty, but I don't care what she thinks anymore," I say and wave my hand dismissively. Luke smiles and shoves me off of him once more as he skips into the kitchen.

"That's good, I'm proud of you," he says with a cheeky grin. I giggle and Jess and I go back to working on Mikey's present.

"This is Jess by the way," I add, pointing to my friend. "Jess, this is the youngest, but tallest, brother, Luke." Luke grins cheekily and waves, Jess does the same.

"Wait!" I gasp, "Does this mean I'll get to see Mikey on his birthday and give him his present in person?" I ask excitedly. Luke nods as he sips on something in a mug.

"Yup, and better yet, we're throwing him a surprise party!" I squeal in excitement when Luke tells me Jess and Caden are welcome to come, and I can't wait. This is going to be the best week ever!

A/N - yay, this chapter is a tad longer and it's also really super cute! Aye aye Mikey's already 20 :') I can't believe how the time flies *sigh* anyway, Mikey's surprise party is next! What do you think will happen?

I WENT TO SLFL DARIEN LAKE AND IT WAS THE BEST. NIGHT. EVER. OH MY GOD IT WAS AMAZING AND THEY FRRAKING PLAYED IF YOU DONT KNOE AKD I CRIED OML! Anyway, yeah it was amazing and I was SO close to them during soundcheck and it was super fun to watch them be silly and stupid when they were asked questions. That's all, I'm now experiencing 5sos withdrawal :)))

I hope y'all have a beautiful Friday! xoxo - Em😊💚

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