19 | Tell Me Why

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Dad has been gone for a long time. We got back from the park around 3pm and just hung out around the house for the rest of the day, and dad still isn't back. I roll over in my bed, only to realize I'm not even in my bed, I'm in Luke's. That's when I remember that he's leaving again today. Him and the boys are going to some other places to do promo since they're done touring, and they're also visiting some hospitals to see sick kids. I wish he didn't have to leave, even though what they're doing is amazing. I roll over to hear Luke's alarm clock going off, and he slaps it lazily, groaning. I sit up to check the time and see its 8:00am. Luke pulls the covers over his head. "Don't even think about it Ry," he mumbles. I giggle,  shoving him playfully. We both knew I was going to jump on him to wake him up, but he stopped me in time this morning.

"You're no fun," I huff with a giggle, pushing my hair out of my face and getting up. Luke reluctantly follows shortly after, running a hand through his hair tiredly. I go into my room and take a quick shower before putting on a blue, green and black flannel and dark jean capris. I skip back to Luke's room and see mum is there to make sure he's up and moving.

"Mum, I can pack myself," Luke says with a chuckle. "I can help!" I chirp, bouncing around his room. Luke watches me with raised eyebrows and an amused expression.

"Oh no, if you're up for helping Luke pack, you can clean your room instead," she says firmly. I stop bouncing and slouch my shoulders, sticking my lower lip out to make a puppy dog pout. "Why?" I whine, staring up at her with the saddest but cutest puppy dog eyes I can manage. Mum just stares down at me, not phased at all by my pleading expression. Unlike Luke, my puppy dog eyes don't work on her. 

"Go on," she says, pointing to the door. I sigh, leaving Luke's room and going back into my own, surveying my pigsty of a room. I'm not the most organized person, I am only ten, after all. I turn on Panic! At the Disco, an artist Michael familiarized me with, and get busy.

About an hour later, my room is actually clean, and I hurry downstairs when I smell the familiar aroma of pancakes. "Ah, you're just in time," Mum says, putting a large pancake on a plate for me, and two on a plate for Luke. We dig in and devour our breakfast. It's delicious!

I look up and see mum sitting across from us at the counter, sipping her coffee and looking through an important-looking folder. On a normal day, dad would be sitting next to her with the newspaper. But he isn't. I want to ask mum where he is and why he's been gone for so long, because the last time I saw him was two days ago when he tucked me in. Yesterday morning, I didn't even see him before he stormed out of the house. Luke seems to notice my confused expression, because he nudges me, giving me a knowing look and shaking his head slightly. I frown a little, but try to stop wondering about it for now.

I bite my lip, holding mum's hand as we escort Luke to the airport. I really don't want him to leave. I wish he could stay at least until I start school again.

We meet up with the other guys, who also have their families with them to see them off. Lauren and Harry look just as sad as I am to see Ashton off again.

"I wish you didn't have to go," Lauren says sadly, her left arm wrapped around Ashton's side. "Me too! I miss having you around," Harry exclaims as he wraps his arms tightly around his big brother's waist. "I know guys, but I'll be back soon, I promise." He pulls Lauren, Harry and his mum into a tight group hug before pulling away and ruffling Lauren's and Harry's hair. "You be safe," Anne says, cradling his face in her hands. "I will mum. I love you." "I love you too, sweet boy," she says, kissing his cheek. Mikey says goodbye to his parents and so does Cal, along with Mali. "Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on 'em all for yas," I say with a giggle. The boys smile and we just stand in a small cluster, not wanting to be separated yet. A few minutes later, the announcer announces that their plane is boarding, and we're forced to say our final goodbyes. I jump into Luke's arms, wrapping my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist, clinging to him like a Koala.

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