39 | Prank You Very Much

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Luke's POV;

I'm slowly pulled out of my sleep at the feeling of something moving in the bed. As I become more aware, I hear whimpering. I quickly turn over at the sound of Rya's cries. She's having a nightmare.

"Rya," I whisper. She continues to whimper, so I gently shake her shoulder until she opens her eyes. They're wide and fearful, and I frown sympathetically. "It's just me. You're okay," I whisper. She relaxes her tense body and immediately wraps her arms around me. I stroke her hair and she leans into me and buries her face into my shoulder. "It's okay. It'll be okay," I say in a comforting voice. I wait until she calms down a bit to ask a question I've never gotten an answer to yet.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I ask after a few minutes. She hesitates and plays with the end of her shirt.

"I see it over and over. Of Willow falling out of the tree," she whispers. I stay silent as her eyes lift up to meet mine.

"Every time I'm a little closer to her, almost close enough to save her. But I'm always too late." She sighs, playing with the blanket. I can tell she's trying to fight the tears, and her lip starts to quiver.

"I'm sorry Rya." I rub her back as she begins to fall back asleep, and sigh. I can't imagine the pain she's going through, and the thing that's even worse is I don't know how to help.

I slowly ease myself back into a laying position just as Michael gets up to go to the bathroom. He squints tiredly at me.

"Why are you up?" He asks. I look down to make sure Rya is asleep and Michael looks down sadly. "Did she have a nightmare?" I nod.

"She told me that they're about Willow falling," I whisper. Michael frowns and rubs his face.

"I can't even imagine," he says quietly before going into the bathroom. There's a loud crash, and it almost sounds like water hitting the floor, followed by Michael shouting several curse words. Rya jolts awake and rubs her eyes tiredly as I push myself up so I'm sitting. "It's okay, it's just Mikey being . . . Mikey," I say with a chuckle. She sits up and cuddles into my side tiredly as Michael comes out of the bathroom . . . completely soaked.

"What'd you do, go swimming?" I say with a chuckle. Rya flashes a tired smile and gives a small giggle as Michael is clearly trying not to strangle someone. "Calum Thomas Hood, you're a dead man!" He exclaims, running across the hall. I sigh tiredly and look down at Rya, who looks like a zombie trying to stay awake.

"I feel a prank war coming on," she says with a yawn. We lay back down and I look at her.


"A prank war," she repeats. "Willow and I had one last year," she says, flinching at the sound of Cal and Mikey jokingly screaming at each other. Everything these days seems to remind her of Willow. I wish so badly I could help her pain go away.

"I remember hearing about that," I say with a chuckle. I raise my eyebrows as Calum chases Michael back into our room and the two smack each other with pillows. A very annoyed and tired Ashton follows them with his phone out, no doubt making a keek.

"And this is what happens when Calum and puts a water balloon in Michael's bathroom," he murmurs. Rya lets out a whine and hides under the covers. Ashton sends me an apologetic look as he ushers Cal into the other room.

"Make no mistake!" Michael shouts as Ashton practically drags Calum away. "This is far from over. This is war!"

Fortunately, Rya made it through the rest of the night without anymore nightmares. Un-fortunately, Michael and Calum are now in a full-on prank war.

I open my eyes and see Rya is starting to wake up beside me. I roll over and look at Mikey, who has whipped cream all over his face. Rya looks from me to him and tries not to giggle and Cal comes in nonchalantly.

"Hey guys," he says cheerfully, casually snapping a picture of Michael and then proceeding to make a Keek. Rya is laughing uncontrollably by now as Michael opens his eyes due to the commotion. Ashton enters our room just as this is happening and Michael is out of bed and tackling Calum quicker than I've ever seen him get out of bed before. We all stand around kind of shocked as Calum lands on the ground. Even Rya looks surprised, but she quickly recovers and begins to laugh again. Mikey wipes the whipped cream off himself and onto Cal's face, making Rya laugh harder. Her laugh makes me laugh, and before I know it we're all on the floor because we're laughing so hard.

Our fit of laughter is interrupted when Dave comes in. He surveys the scene and just shrugs it off. He's known us since the beginning, he knows that we're capable of all kinds of crazy.

"Okay boys, call whatever this is off for now, you have to be in Missouri for an interview and small performance tomorrow." We all nod and Michael gets up, playfully glaring at Calum. "I'm so getting you back for this," he says, trying to sound tough. I chuckle as I begin to pack up my clothes.

"I'll be nice and let you have the shower first. You need it more than I do at the moment," I joke with Mike, and he flips me off as he goes into the bathroom. Rya is still smiling and giggling a little bit as she starts to pack her things. We're flying to Missouri later this afternoon because we have a fairly busy day tomorrow. We'll be traveling to one radio station for an interview, then driving about an hour and a half to do a small acoustic set.

Michael quickly hops out of the shower, already dressed. He grins viciously, causing me to stare at him. Oh boy, what's he up to now?

"Where's Cal's suitcase?" He asks, rummaging through his backpack and pulling something out of.

"Um, probably in his room?" I say. His face falls until he realizes Cal left his backpack in our room. "Score!" He murmurs to himself. Rya has stopped packing and watches Mikey from the bed, curiously clear on her features.

He smirks as he sets up his contraption in Cal's backpack. "Shhh," he says, holding a finger to his lips. He picks Cal's bag up and quietly sets it maids Ash and Cal's room before coming back to pack his things. I raise my eyebrows as I finish packing my clothes and zip up my suitcase. "What was that?" Michael just smirks and wiggles his eyebrows. "You'll see."

A/N - Hehehe this chapter title is so corny, but I just had to:) also a little side note: the boys are kind of just randomly traveling around the U.S. doing promo interviews and stuff for their new album in this story, so some things may not have actually happened or they may not have gone some of the places I'm making them go in the book. It's just cool for them to be moving around, idk, but thanks for reading y'all:) xoxo - Em😊❤️

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