40 | House and Home

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Rya's POV;

The flight to Missouri thankfully wasn't bad. I slept most of way there, only being woken up once or twice when Michael and Calum bickered. They're still in a full-on prank war, so now they're suspicious of everyone and everything. They won't even go near each other now, which I find kind of funny.

"Hey Rya, hand me my backpack," Cal says once we get to our hotel room. I hesitate, wondering what Michael put in it earlier. I gently hand it to him, but it slips out of his hands. When the backpack lands on the floor, silly string or something shoots out of it. I shriek as it falls all over us, then start to laugh. Cal laughs and shakes his head.

"Oh, this is so war," he smirks. I giggle and go back into Luke's room. This time, he's with Michael. He and Ashton were originally going to room together, but Mikey and Cal refuse to share a room.

"What happened to you?" Luke asks, trying to hold back a laugh. I pull some silly string or whatever it is off my head and throw it at Michael. "Ask him!" I say with giggle. Luke shakes his head as I go into the bathroom to clean myself up.

It's almost time for the boys to go to their first interview, which is only about ten minutes away from our hotel. Luke has gone into Cal and Ashton's room, but Mikey is still getting ready with me.

Once I'm ready, I go across the hall. I'm about to open the door when I hear my name, so I pause.

"I just - I don't know. Maybe it'd be better if she went back home," I hear Luke say. My heart drops. What? Why does he want me to go home? Does he not want me to be with him anymore?

I sigh and wait until the talking stops. I tuned the rest out, not wanting to hear anymore. Once it's quiet, I put a small smile on my face and enter the room.

The drive to the interview was so awkward. I didn't know what to say or do. All I can think about is that they don't want me here anymore. Luke thinks it would be better for me to go back home. But why? It may not be where I've lived my entire life, but Luke is my rock. Home is wherever he is. It's not the same when he's not back in Australia. That's why I love touring with him and the boys. They're like a second family to me. At least, they were. But why don't they want me around anymore? Did I do something wrong? Am I too much work?

I continue to think this over as we get out of the car. There a few fans outside, so Luke instinctively grabs my hand and holds it tight. I just look straight ahead as we get inside, and volunteer to stay in the back room while they do their interview.

"Are you sure? You could come if you want," Luke offers, but I shake my head. "It's okay. I'm kind of tired anyway," I say quietly. Luke nods before following the other boys into the room where the interview will be held.

A staff worker shows me where to wait, so I decide to work on a few school lessons while they do their interview. But my thoughts keep wandering back to what I overheard earlier. Maybe I just heard wrong.

Or maybe they're sick of you.

I try to push the thought away, but I can't. Maybe its true. The reason I came back on promo tour with them was because Willow . . . died. I've been emotional lately, and am having nightmares. Maybe I'm just too much work. I sigh, trying to focus on my lesson.

I decide to sleep in the car on the way to the next interview, since it's a fairly long drive. I'm sitting in the back by the window. Luke is in the middle and Ashton is on his other side, with Cal and Mikey in the front. They agreed not to prank each other in the car, so they could sit together.

About halfway into the drive, I'm awoken with a jump after having a nightmare. This time, it was of Luke and the boys leaving me. They just picked up and left and when I woke up they were gone.

Not wanting to sleep anymore, I rub the tiredness from my eyes and stare out the window. I get Luke's laptop out of his bag and try to get ahead on some lessons.

"Hey, I thought you were taking a nap," Ashton whispers, because the other boys have since fallen asleep as well. I shrug. "I'm not tired anymore," I say, trying to concentrate on my lesson. Ashton looks at me for a long time.

"Did you have a nightmare?" He asks with concern. I smile as convincingly as I can and shake my head. "No, the car is just a little bumpy so it woke me up. I'm not tired anymore, so I'm gonna get ahead on some of my lessons." Ashton still seems unconvinced, but nods and puts his headphones in.

Once we arrive to the place we need to be, I sit in the back room again and work on more lessons. I'm pretty far ahead now, so I'll be able to take some days off.

Once I finish another unit, I decide to take a break and watch the boys perform. I tiptoe past security and watch from the side of the stage. They've finished their questions and are now doing a little acoustic set for the fans. I smile, remembering that their new album comes out soon. I still haven't heard any of their new songs, other than the ones they released already as singles. The boys are performing She's Kinda Hot, Fly Away, Money, and She Looks So Perfect today. They're just finishing Fly Away, which is one of my favorite. I love the lyrics. They still have two more songs, so I sit and watch.

Once they've finished, I wait in the back room again and smile as they come in all excited. Maybe I am holding them back. Maybe it would be better if I left . . . I just don't want to yet.

A/N - oh no... Why would Luke say such a thing? Do you think he wants Rya to leave? What do you think will happen? Tell me what you think! This was a prewritten chap so just a quick update on this fine Saturday morning before I go out:) Xoxo - Em😊💙

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