52 | Sounds Good Feels Good

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Rya's POV;

It's hard to believe that October is almost over already. Halloween will be coming up soon and the boys are very excited about their Halloween costumes. I still haven't been able to pry it out of them; they're making me wait to find out and have been tormenting me about it just like they have their fans.

I lay in my bed, staring up at the ceiling. I roll over and check the time, unable to sleep. An idea suddenly pops into my head as I notice that it's almost midnight. The boys' new album, Sounds Good Feels Good, comes out in just a few minutes, and I completely forgot that I preordered it. What can I say? Just because I'm their sister doesn't mean I'm not a secretly dedicated fan. They can be complete dorks and idiots most of the time, but I have to admit that their songs are pretty okay to listen to. I wonder what kind of songs are on this new album.

Seeing that Luke is soundly asleep next to me and Cal is sleeping the other bed in the room we're sharing, I quietly slide into a sitting position and lean against the headboard. I grab my phone and earbuds just as the clock hits midnight and I wait a few seconds for the album to be downloaded. I try not to giggle at their album cover. I'm sure all their fans are freaking out right now and obsessing over every aspect of the album, but I find their facial expressions on the cover extremely funny.

I click on the album and play the first song, which is Money. I've already heard the first four because they were released as singles and the fifth, Permanent Vacation, has been played at a lot of their concerts even though it wasn't officially released. I decide to skip to song number six, called Catch Fire. I turn the volume down so as not to wake anyone up and smile as the song begins. It's pretty good if I do say so myself, though I'm not really sure how one can actually "catch fire." Whatever, it's probably a metaphor or something Ashton came up with. He's very smart like that.

The next song is Safety Pin, which I also really like. I think it's about a boy and girl who had rough or bad pasts that fall in love and were able to move on in life with the help from each other. It almost reminds me of my life. It hasn't been a walk in the park lately, and the boys have been there for me every step of the way. Wow, I'm getting sappy over a song my brother wrote. Maybe I'm becoming a fangirl. Yikes.

Waste the Night is also a good song, and so is Vapor. I'm starting to see a common theme with all these songs: they all have something to do with love or heartbreak. How did the boys even come up with these ideas? They have little to no dating experience, so it's beyond me.

Castaway is a really good song also. I really like the beat to it, though again, I'm not sure as to how the boys got the idea. Maybe Ashton felt lonely after he and Tiffany broke up? I feel a pang of guilt since most of that was my fault, but she was a very mean person.

The Girl Who Cried Wolf almost makes me feel bad for the boys. The song makes it sounds like they have horrible luck with dating, even though they haven't really gotten into dating yet. So many feelings on this album, jeez. At least I can taunt the boys about it because they claim to be "tough."

The next song that comes on makes me stop breathing for a moment. My heart starts racing as my throat tightens. I kind of want to skip the song, but I force myself to listen to Broken Home. I bite my lip as I listen to the lyrics. It ties in perfectly with the instruments and their voices are raw with emotion. I remember what Ashton told me about his family when my dad first left and feel bad for him. Now I know what it feels like, and it sucks. Luke, Ashton and I can all relate to this song, and it isn't about a girl or heartbreak for once. I feel like they were the ones to write it. Did Luke write it because of what we experienced in our home? He always says that music is an escape for him, so it could be possible.

I didn't even realize I'm silently crying until I fear a singly tear tickle my cheek as it slides down my face. I quickly wipe it away and wipe my eyes to rid the tears and the song thankfully ends. That song probably messed up the fans when they listened to it. I wonder if they'll play it at their concerts or if they'll consider it too emotional. I guess I'll find out as time goes on.

I've already heard Fly Away because it too was released as a single. I really like it, it reminds me of all the amazing experiences I've been lucky enough to have while touring with the guys. I wonder if that's their inspiration behind the song. They tell me all time how much they love visiting new places and now I see why. Traveling is really fun and exciting.

Invisible is another sad song, and I feel bad for people who feel this way. I'm sure everyone can relate to it because we've all felt irreverent once or twice in our lives, but I'm starting to wonder how these songs are making other people feel, people who know firsthand about these things. Speaking of that, do the boys feel this way? They tend to write about their feelings and experiences, so it makes me wonder. I really hope they don't feel like this all the time of they ever have.

Airplanes and San Fransisco are also amazing. Airplanes is mostly Mikey singing, which is new to me. He should sing more often in their songs, he's amazing!

Outer Space/Carry On is probably one of the most amazing songs ever. I love how positive it is and it sounds really cool and different. I also got onto Luke's Twitter to see what people are saying. I see one fan account that said, "Absolutely love the new album, especially the fact that the last words of it are 'Carry on, you know it's gonna get better.'" I didn't even notice that, but it's true. I never realized how much these boys care about their fans and vise versa. They wrote all these songs to make an impact, to show their fans that it's okay to not be okay. They're really something else.

"Hey, what're you doing up?" Luke asks. His voice is muffled and he sounds extremely tired. I jump a little and then to face my confused and half asleep brother.

"I may or may not have preordered and listened to your new album," I say sheepishly, feeling the heat in my cheeks rise. Luke smirks and chuckles tiredly. "Hah, I always knew you were a fan." He pauses, and I think he fell back asleep until his voice rings out again. "Do you like it?" He asks hopefully. I sigh. I cannot believe I'm about to say this. "I loved it," I whisper. And it's true. This album means something to so many people, and I feel somewhat important to be the little sister of the boy who started this band.

A/N - I know SGFG came out a while back but I really wanted to write a chapter on what Rya thought about the songs. She's only 11 so that's kind of why she saw a lot of the songs as just songs about love or heartbreak, but because she knows the boys personally it's kind of an insight to their feelings and the stuff they don't tell her and yeah:) I'm sorry if this just seemed kind of like a chapter analyzing the album lol, but I just wanted everyone to see how Rya thinks and I hope you all enjoyed it! Xoxo - Em😊💜

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