36 | At the End of the Day

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Ashton's POV;

Cal ended up sleeping in Mike and I's room last night. He came in to talk with us and eventually passed out on the floor.

Seeing as it's about 9am and we have to be on a plane that will be taking us to Colorado soon, I decide to see if Luke's up.

On my way over to Luke's room, I purposefully throw my pillow at Cal's face, making him groan in agitation.

"What's your problem?" He mumbles in a deep, raspy morning voice. I chuckle. "Time to get up mate," I say as I make my way next door.

I mentally "awww" at the sight before me. Luke and Rya are cuddled up together, both still fast asleep in their bed. Luke is sleeping on his back with his arm around Rya, who has her head on his chest.

I pull out my phone and snap a picture to put on Instagram and also decide to make a Keek.

"Hey guys," I whisper before turning the camera to point at Luke, "Look at the sight I just found. Aren't they adorable? Luke's such a good big brother." I chuckle as I turn the camera back to face me and update the fans on what's happening later today before signing off. I'm debating whether I should wake them up now or if I should let them sleep because they look so peaceful.

Cal comes in a minute later to grab a band t-shirt and black skinny jeans. He joins me in staring at Luke and Rya.

"They're so cute," he comments with a chuckle before going into the bathroom. "I'm gonna have a shower," he calls quietly before shutting the door. I nod just as Luke begins to stir.

"Hey," I say jokingly. I flop down on Cal's bed and Luke looks down at Rya with a smile. "Cute cute," I comment, nodding to the little blonde. He smiles tiredly.

"Did you know she's been having nightmares?" He asks. I furrow my eyebrows. "No, is she okay?" He sighs and moves a strand of hair away from her face. "I don't know. I just found out last night, but she won't talk to me about it," he whispers sadly. I frown. "How long have they been going on?" I question, now a bit worried. Rya didn't use to have nightmares when she stayed with us over the summer, so why now?

"I don't know. I came out of the bathroom just as she woke up and she looked really scared, but she wouldn't say anything." I nod, suddenly curious as to why she's having nightmares. Now I know why she was so tired yesterday. The poor thing must've had a pretty bad night to be that tired.

"We made it last night without any," Luke says with a small smile. "But what could cause her to start having them?"

I remain silent for a moment, wondering. Then, it hits me. "Luke, she witnessed her best friend's death," I whisper quietly. Luke's face drops. "Oh my god," he whispers, looking down at Rya. "She keeps replaying the incident in her mind."

"It's definitely possible. But the nightmares are probably about Willow," I say. I feel horrible for Rya. I can't imagine witnessing one of these boys dying, and right in front of me, too. That must've been devastating.

"Michael, none of your clothes are clean!" Luke exclaims in exasperation. Michael groans from his bed, which we haven't been able to get him out of yet. "I guess I'll do his along with mine," Luke grumbles, grabbing Michael's smelly clothes and tossing them in the basket.

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