53 | HalloweenSOS

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Rya's POV;

It's finally Halloween, and I'm super excited to finally find out what the boys are being! I pace the room eagerly as I wait for them to emerge. It's still fairly early in the morning, but I basically forced them to put their costumes on. I also might have dared Michael to wear his costume all day long and if he did, I'd let him streak my hair lots of different colors.

I knock impatiently on Cal's hotel room door, where the boys have gathered to ready their costumes. "Come on! I wanna see!" I whine. I hear hushed whisper-yelling on the other side of the door and roll my eyes before the door opens ever so slightly. I can barely even see the boy who's peering out at me.

"Close your eyes," A voice I recognize as Ashton's instructs me. I roll my eyes again and cover my eyes with my hands and take a step back.

"Okay, they're closed," I call. There's a long pause before the door opens and I hear shuffling before Ashton tells me to open my eyes again. I do so eagerly and try not to laugh at the sight. They're all dressed in I don't even know what, but they all have wigs and are wearing either leather or some type of animal print fabric. Michael even has eyeliner all over his eyes and Calum has some type of paint or something across his cheeks like a football player.

I take in Luke's appearance and try very hard not to fall on the floor laughing. He's wearing a cropped shirt that shows part of his belly and wears the most ridiculous expression. I finally can't contain my laughter as I look them up and down and Michael scoffs.

"So rude," he teases, placing his hand over his heart. "And what are you supposed to be? I highly doubt it tops our idea," he states smugly. I smirk as I skip back into my hotel room. "You'll just have to wait and see," I sing.

The fans are going absolutely crazy over the boys' costumes. I don't blame them, because the boys do look extremely funny. I giggle as I surf through the tweets the fans are sending to the boys — yes, I stole Luke's phone again to stalk his Twitter — and retweet some of the really funny ones.

@/luke5SOS: hi guys it's Rya! I love all your tweets about the boys, they look pretty funny huh? Well happy Halloween!

I smile at my tweet as Luke's notifications blow up and start laughing when Michael bangs on the door obnoxiously. I locked the guys out so I could put on my Halloween costume in secret since they made me wait so long to find out what they're being, so I'm doing the same to them!

I already have my costume on, I just have to undo the curlers I put in my hair. Once I do, I'm actually surprised that it turned out super curly and bouncy the way I wanted it. I put on my hat and add a few finishing touches to my costume as the boys continue to whine. Luke especially, since I have his phone. I smirk to myself as I skip over and unlock the door and spin around. All the boys "oohh" and "ahh" at my costume; I decided to be the Mad Hatter.

"Alright, time for trick or treating!" Michael sings cheerfully. I giggle as I grab a pillowcase and hurry out of the hotel room. I heard that the boys had originally planned on going to a party, but that changed once I ended up coming back. I feel bad, but they all insist they'd much rather go trick or treating with me because they'll get free candy. Michael also wants to creep everyone out with their costumes. He's very weird.

Everyone is dressed up for the holiday and knocking on doors for candy. There's even a haunted house that the guys insist on going through and even Luke forces me to go with them. What can I say, he does have his moments where he proves to be a typical brother.

"Ugh, I hate you," I huff as I hurry out of the haunted house. The boys are laughing themselves half to death because they didn't think it was scary and are amused by how freaked I am. I also think they're laughing because Ashton screamed like a little girl, even though he fiercely denies it and tried to blame it on an actual little girl.

"Ashton back me up here, that was scary!" I whine, and Ashton giggles and pats my head. "What's the fun in life if you don't have a good scare every now and then?" He questions. I give him a death glare and continue pouting. Of course he chose to side with Luke. "Fine," I huff, shoving his shoulder. "Willow at least wouldn't have made fun of me," I mumble, pretending to be upset. All the boys' faces instantly turn into regret and sorrow, so now it's my turn to laugh. Their confused faces glancing at one another is even funnier. "Ha! Look who's laughing now," I say with a smirk. Michael's mouth drops and I laugh at his expression some more.

"You just used your dead friend against us! That's not okay!" He exclaims in shock. I giggle as we continue down the street. "She was my friend, I'm allowed to talk about her however I want." I pause, memories flooding my brain. For once, they don't make me want to cry. Instead, I smile. "She would've loved watching me trick you anyway," I say with another giggle, and out of the corner of my eye, I see Luke flash a small smile.

"We'll see who's laughing when I tell a hell of a ghost story later," Michael says with a devious smirk. I turn around and walk backwards, wiggling my eyebrows. "Bring it on, Clifford," I smirk back. But on the inside, I'm praying the ghost story isn't as scary as that haunted house was.

A/N -  I know it's nowhere near Halloween, but when I planned this story out this is how it happened and I didn't realize that it wouldn't be October by the time I published it so I apologize for that (if that even made any sense) but I hope you enjoyed the chapter! I really liked it hehe:)

ALSO! My last exam was today so school of officially out! HALLELUJAH! I hope you all have a great summer! Xoxo - Em😊💙

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