My Brother's Best Friend

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You were sitting in your room writing in your journal. This entry was about your crush, Patrick Stump. He's your brother, Pete's best friend. Patrick would always come over to the house. He's always so nice. He's nice, sweet, charming, and always a gentleman. Pete can learn something from him. You always try to talk to Patrick, but Pete pushes you away. Then, Patrick scolds him about being nice to you. "(Y/N)! Patrick's over so don't bother us!" Pete yelled. You sighed and continued to write in your journal.

A few minutes later Pete walks in. "Hey, Patrick is going to chill in here while I go to the store." You raised an eyebrow. "Why can't you just take him with you?" You wanted Patrick to say, but you were acting like you didn't care. "He said he wants to hang out with you." You were surprised that Patrick would want to hang out,... With you! You scoffed. "Okay, whatever." On the inside you were screaming with joy.

Pete left the room and Patrick walked in. "Hey, (Y/N). What's up?" You shrugged your shoulders. "How are you?" You asked politely. "Great." You sat there in awkward silence for a while. "So, I can see by your shirt, you like (Your/ Fav/ Band)." Patrick said. "Yeah, you like them too?" Patrick nodded. "Yeah, of course." You two talked about that band for a while, then it went onto some random topic.

"Hey, I'll be right back. I'm going to go use the bathroom." Patrick smiled and you left.

*Patrick's P.O.V*

(Y/N) Left for the bathroom. I sat in her room quietly with nothing to do. I looked around and saw a book on her bed. It had a pencil on one of the pages. Cool, maybe she writes songs. I opened the book and it had my name at the top. Okay, now I'm really interested. I read it and apparently (Y/N) has a crush on me. What!? I fell the same way, but she's my best friend's little sister. Pete will kill me if he ever found out I liked her. (Y/N) came back and I threw her book behind my back and acted natural. She didn't notice. I didn't know how to react now. She sat down beside me. We sat in silence for five minutes until Pete came back. "I'm back. How bad was she?" Pete asked. I don't understand why he treats her so badly. All (Y/N) does is be nice to him. "She was amazing. It was nice to catch up." Pete was shocked. I looked over to (Y/N), and she was blushing. Awe. "Let's go." Pete said. I nodded and waved at (Y/N). Pete walked out and I made sure Pete wasn't looking. "Hey, It was great to talk to you. I was wondering if you would like to, uh, be my girlfriend?" (Y/N)'s eyes bulged out. "Ugh. S-Sure." She is so cute when she's nervous. I smiled and went to Pete's room.

A/N: Sorry this imagine is so lame. I just came back from a football game and I'm tired af. Anyways, vote or comment, or don't i don't care. And read "I Want To Scream I Love You From The Top Of My Lungs" Thanks, Byes ^~^ -Me

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