Book Enterprise (Part 4/5)

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"I just don't understand. I want her to have the best career and not regret anything. And I know that she will regret not going to New York if she stays with me, y'know?" I asked sipping my beer. The bartender nodded while wiping some bottles. "Well, just think about her. And how she might feel. She probably loves you a lot, right?" I nodded remembering all the times she's said I love you. "Exactly. So maybe going somewhere far away from you is too much for her. She probably thinks that while she's away, you two are going to get distant and you'll break up and she'll regret it. I just think you need to talk about it. Did you tell her everything you're telling me?" He asked.

I shook my head shamefully. "She thinks that you want her gone. And I know how that feels. It fucking sucks. So, you need to go back home and talk to her." I sighed and set my beer down with a couple of dollars. "You're right. Thanks for the advice." I said as I walked outside and jumped in my car.

While racing home, I thought about everything I wanted to say to Alexis. So many things were racing through my mind that I sped through a stop sign.

"Fuck." I said as I saw a police car whiting behind me, signaling me to pull over. When I parked the car, I hit the steering wheel with my fist. I was sure I was going to get to Alexis really quick. Now I'm not so sure.

"License and registration, please." I dug through the compartment and found my registration. The cop glanced over them and looked back at me. "Do you know why I stopped you?" I sighed. "Yes, sir. Because I passed a stop sign and I was over the speed limit." He nodded. "And one of your headlights out." I shut my eyes in complete annoyance. I just wanted to get home and see Alexis. Now I have to wait for this cop to give me three tickets.


"Now, I suggest you follow the law and get your headlight fixed." I nodded. "Yes, sir. I'm sorry for not obeying the law. And I will make sure to get my headlights fixed tomorrow." The cop nodded while handing me three tickets. "Alright. Have a nice night." I nodded. "Thank you. You too, officer."

Once he left, I began heading home. I tried my best to stay under the speed limit, but it's so damn hard when you're really trying to get home to the person you love.

I pulled into the driveway and I ran inside. "Alexis! Baby, we need to talk!" I said as I took off my fedora and jacket. "Alexis! Baby, I'm sorry. I didn't mean what I said earlier!" I yelled throughout the house. I looked through all the rooms downstairs and I didn't find her.

I ran upstairs and checked some more rooms. "Baby! Alexis?" I checked the bedroom and she wasn't there. Her car was in the driveway. I don't understand where else she would be. I ran back downstairs and I stopped in the kitchen.

The broken glass was still there. I sighed and decided to clean it up. I threw the glass in the trash and i cut my hand in the act. I turned to leave the kitchen, then something caught my eye.

The Chalk Board

There was a written note on it. From Alexis. Maybe it might say where she is.

Dear Patrick,
I don't have much time, but this is all I have to say. I wanted to stay because I love you very much, but you made it pretty clear that you didn't want me to stay. I'm leaving for New York. You wanted space? Here's your space. Goodbye, P.

I read it over and over. I couldn't believe it. She actually left. And it's all because of me. I wanted her to go to New York, but I didn't want her leaving me. I love her. And now I let her slip through my fingers. I called her. I called her again. One more time.

"Alexis! It's me, Patrick. I'm so sorry for what I said-"
"Sorry I can't get to the phone right now. Please call back later, bye!"

No, No, No! She's gone.

Wait - maybe I can still catch up with her. Maybe she's still waiting at the airport. It's only 10:15. The airport is 30 minutes away. I'm not so sure what time her flight leaves, but I bet it's soon. I'm going to have to haul ass down there.

I hurried there, but I also made sure that I obeyed the law. Safety first. When I got there, I ran inside. I felt like my mind was going in circles. Many people were passing by me. I tried my best to look for Alexis, but I had no idea where she'd be.

I ran to one of the flight attendants. "How may I help you, sir-" I cut her off. "Yes, is there a flight to New York anywhere?" She nodded. "Yes, right over there." She said pointing across the aisle. "Okay, thank you." I ran over there to the other flight attendant.

The door to the plane was closed. "Excuse me, ma'am. Is there anyway I can get on that plane?" I asked. "I'm sorry, sir. We already called for this flight minutes ago. The plane is about to take lift off. We can't let you on there." I shook my head. "No, no. You don't understand. I need to get on that plane!" I shouted. "I'm going to have to ask you to leave, sir." I was hyperventilating.

I put my hands on my head. A little thing I do to help my breathing. That's it. I lost her. She's actually gone this time.


I was furious

At myself

I lost her because I'm such an idiot. Why couldn't I keep my mouth shut? I wanted her to have a good future, but I wanted to be a part of that future. Now I'm just a part of her past.


When I got home, that's when everything hit me. And I hit everything. I punched walls, doors, picture frames, cabinets. Everything. I lost everything. There's nothing I can do now. I love her and now she's gone. She is what kept me going. Now she's gone. What do I do now?

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