Be Yourself

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Today is Saturday. One of the days people love to party, but for me, I like to stay at home and do nothing. It's just today my boyfriend was coming over. Patrick. Oh, Patrick. I loved him to death. And I want everything to look nice when he comes over. So, I got out of bed, put on skinny jeans and one of Patrick's hoodies, and decided to do the dishes. I went to my stereo and plugged my phone into the aux cord. I decided to play Blurryface.

When HeavyDirtySoul started playing, I burst out into dance. This album always makes me wanna dance. Actually, every album makes me wanna dance. Since I was in the privacy of my home, I let myself free.

A few minutes later, I felt like someone was in my presence. I turned around and saw Patrick leaning against the door frame. "Oh my goodness! Patrick! What are you doing here!?" I turned off the music. "Nothing, just watching you dance. I didn't know you had sick moves." I covered my face in embarrassment. "It's okay, baby. I love you. You can be yourself around. I love it when you let yourself go and be yourself." I looked through my fingers and saw Patrick approaching me. He took my hands away from my eyes and kissed the backs of my hands. "You're amazing and don't be afraid to be yourself." This time he kissed my lips. "Thanks, Trick." He nodded. "Now, wanna do the dishes with me?" Patrick smiled. "Can we dance and sing?" I laughed. "Of course!" We spent the rest of the evening being ourselves.

I'm sorry this is so lame. I'm a little blocked up. I have a new story coming out. It's a Josh Dun Fanfic. Hopefully I can get my groove back.

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