I Feel Like I'm Gonna Explode (Part 1/2)

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I sit here texting my best friend, Patrick. We text on a daily basis. He's the first and last person I talk to everyday. But... I've been keeping a secret from him. I have developed feelings for him. I have for a while now and he is just too sweet. He treats me better than anyone I know. He builds me up and I build him up. The k my problem is, he's dating my other best friend.

I love them both, but I just can't deal with this. He says we have more in common than his girlfriend, but then why aren't we together? I feel awfully selfish about this, but I can't argue with how I feel.

Patrick : Hey!
Me: Hello!
Patrick : I'm so tired and my hands ache.
Me: why??
Patrick: I just finished making a gift for my girlfriend.
Me: Cool...
Patrick: what
Me: Nothing
Patrick: no seriously. What's wrong?
Me: nothing, it's just you always talk about Jasmine.
Patrick: because she's my girlfriend. Everytime I say something about her you get all weird.
Me: I'm sorry, but it gets old. She's my best friend. I know her. It's kinda boring when that's all you talk about.
Patrick: well what can I say? I love her...
Me: how can you love her? You told me that you don't even know what love is.
Patrick: maybe this is it. I already kissed her and told her I loved her. Why can't you accept that? Why are you against us. Do you like me or something?!?!

I didn't know what to say. Should I tell him the truth. Just wing it.

Me: just forget about it okay. I hope you're happy with your girlfriend.
Patrick: look Nat. You're my best friend. I don't want to loose you. But there seems to be a problem. Do you wish it was me and you instead of me and Jasmine?
Me: I don't know. Just go to your girlfriend.

He didn't reply after that. I might have just lost my best friend. That's the thing with me. I explode when I've had enough and I loose the ones I love. I didn't know what else to do, but cry. I didn't cry because I'm weak. I cried because I was strong for too long. That's when it hit me. What did I just do...

Part 2 soon, I promise

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