Too Much To Handle

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I'm taken away from my book when I hear my boyfriend of two years groaning. The sound is coming from upstairs. "Dana!" He yells my name. I set down my book and walk upstairs. I opened our bedroom door to see him laying in bed, wrapped in a cocoon of blankets. I laughed as I leaned against the door frame.

"Don't laugh. I don't feel good." He said. I put my hands up in defense and walked next to the bed. I felt his forehead. "I think you're running a fever, baby. Let me get the thermometer." Patrick nodded. I went into the bathroom and opened the mirror-cabinet.

When I came back, Patrick was sweating like crazy. "It's really hot, can you turn up the a/c?" I shook my head. "Patrick, it's freezing in here. Get out of the blankets." I said. When he did, I put the thermometer in his mouth.

When it beeped I turned around to see Patrick shivering. "It's so cold." I wrapped a blanket around him and took the thermometer out of his mouth.

101 degrees

"Oh, Patrick. You're at 101. I need to get you some medicine. I think you have a cold." Patrick groaned in frustration. "It's okay, P. I'm going to make you some tea. Maybe some soup. Then I'll go get you some medicine." Patrick nodded and sighed. "I'll be right back. Call for me if you need anything."

I walked downstairs and started making the tea. "Baby! Dana!" I heard Patrick yell. I walked upstairs. "Yes, Patrick?" He sneezed and coughed simultaneously. "Do we have any tissues?" I nodded and walked into the bathroom across the hall. I returned with the box of tissues. "Thank you, babe." I nodded. I sat next to him and rubbed his forehead.

"Uh, babe. What's that sound?" I stopped what I was doing and listened. "Oh, the tea!" I ran downstairs and reached over the pot of boiling water and turned off the burner. Boiling tea burning my arm in the process. "Ow! Fuck!" I said running my forearm. "You okay?!" Patrick asked from upstairs. "Yeah. I'm fine!" I yelled back up. I sighed and began making the tea.

When the tea was finished, I put honey in it and walked upstairs to give it to Patrick. "Here, P." He smiled and took a sip. "Did you put honey in this?" I nodded. "Yeah, why?" I asked. "Oh, it's just I don't like honey. It's too sweet." I forgot. "I'm sorry, baby. I forgot you don't like honey. I'll get you a new cup." He shook his head. "No, it's okay. I can drink this." I sighed and nodded. "Okay, then I'll just make some soup." Patrick nodded.

I either had to make cream of chicken or chicken noodle soup. "Patrick! Do you want cream of chicken or chicken noodle soup?!" I asked. "Cream of chicken." I faintly heard. I nodded and began making the soup.

"Babe! Can you help me?!" I jogged upstairs in case it was an emergency. "Are you okay, Patrick?" I asked. "Yeah, sorry. Did I alert you?" I chuckled and nodded. "Sorry, Dana. I just needed help going downstairs. Every time I try to sit up, my headache hurts more and I feel lightheaded." I nodded and helped Patrick downstairs.

I set him on the couch and went to the closet to get him a pillow and blanket. "The soup should be ready in a minute." Patrick nodded while surfing through the channels. "Okay. Thank you." I smiled in return.

"Okay, cream of chicken." I said as I handed the bowl to Patrick. "Oh, I wanted chicken noodle soup. I don't like cream of chicken. Sorry." I sighed and lightly smiled. "That's okay. I'll just make another bowl." Patrick sighed.

"Here's your bowl of chicken noodle soup." I said. "Thank you, love." I smiled and sat down. I sighed and rubbed my eyes. "Ow. It's hot. Can you put this in the fridge for a little bit, please?" I nodded. I lazily got up and set it in the fridge to cool down.

I returned to my place across from Patrick. He coughed and it sounded pretty bad. "Did you get the medicine yet?" I sighed. "No, not yet, but I can get it now." Patrick saw how tired I was. "No, it's okay." I shook my head. "Are you sure?" He nodded and smiled. "Okay." I agreed.

Patrick was coughing like crazy. It was disturbing. He didn't want me to do all this for him, but I needed to. I sighed and got up. "Okay, I'm getting you medicine." I put my shoes on. Grabbed my wallet. Grabbed the keys. Then I left.

The line at target was a nightmare. People were taking forever. When it finally got to me, I had enough. I just slapped the medicine on the counter and pulled out a $10 bill. "Keep the change." I took the medicine and drove home.

I threw my bag on the floor, kicked off my shoes, set my wallet on the kitchen island and sat down. Patrick was asleep. I sighed and relaxed.

"Oh, you're home. How was the store?" I opened my eyes to see Patrick waking up. "The store was hell." Patrick lightly chuckled followed by a cough. Multiple coughs. "Take this medicine, babe." I said as I gave him a pill. "Thank you. I'm actually pretty hungry. Can you get my soup?" I nodded and walked to the kitchen.

"Thank you." Patrick took a spoonful and ate it. "It's kinda cold." I took it from him and heated it up in the microwave.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

I retrieved the bowl and gave it to Patrick. "Ah! It's really hot." I sighed. "It'll be fine Patrick. Just eat it." I said a little annoyed. "Sorry, babe." I nodded. "It's fine." I walked to the dining room and sat down at the dining table. I put my head on my arms. I let out a big sigh. I know it's not Patrick's fault, but he's just so damn needy. I hate to say it, but it is kinda true.

"Uh, babe. Can you get my tissues from upstairs? Please." I stomped upstairs and forcefully grabbed the box. Smashing it a little. I walked halfway down the stairs and threw it next to him on the couch. I walked back upstairs and laid down.

I was just irritated. I needed to rest. I've been taking care of him all day. He was just too much to handle.

After a few minutes of resting, I hear the door open. "Baby, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to rush you around everywhere today." I stayed quiet for a little bit, then sighed. "It's fine, P. I was just a little annoyed. That's all. You don't need to apologize. It's not your fault you're sick." He shook his head. "I know, but I was really needy, right?" I nodded. "C'mon, let's go to sleep. I'm really tired." I said. Patrick nodded.

"I'm not that tired. But I'll still lay with you." I laughed. "You better." Patrick rolled his eyes playfully. "Goodnight, sweetheart." Patrick said before I fell asleep


"Good morning, Baby. I feel way better today." Patrick said. I smiled and nodded. I sat up and fell straight back down. I held onto my forehead. "I don't feel well, P." I said. Patrick's eyes widened. "Oh no." I chuckled a little. "Good luck."

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