Next Level (Part 2/2)

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Warning: Here's some smut for all you smut sluts. Hope you enjoy. Please leave comments because I love reading them.

"You ready?" I looked into his eyes and fell in love. "Yes." Patrick shuttered a nervous breath. Before he did anything, he kissed my cheek. "I love you." He whispered in my ear. "I love you too, P." He looked at me the way every girl wants to be looked at. "Okay, this might hurt a little. But it will go away soon. If I'm hurting you, tell me to stop and I will." He said as he cupped my cheek. I nodded. He sighed contentedly.

He began sliding himself into my opening. As soon as I felt him, I put my hand on his bicep that he was using to hold himself up. He stopped in his tracks. "I'm sorry, baby." I shook my head. "It's okay. Just... Give me a second." He nodded.

A few moments later I nodded my head. "Keep going." He sighed and continued to push himself inside me. I silently whimpered at the contact. Patrick noticed and started to kiss my neck to distract me. I felt bad because I knew Patrick hated seeing me like this. And he hates himself more when he knows he's hurting me.

Once he was in me. All of him. He waited a second for me to adjust to his fairly big size. Patrick kissed my cheek. "You c-can move now." Patrick let out another shy, nervous sigh. "Don't be nervous, baby." I said rubbing his bicep. "I know, sugar. I just don't like hurting you." I leaned up and pressed a soft, warm kiss to his lips. "I'll be fine, P. I promise." He smiled and nodded. "I-uh. I'm gonna move now." I laughed and nodded.

He started at a slow pace. And I'm not going to lie, it did hurt like hell. But it eventually got better. While it hurt, Patrick kept whispering sweet things to me. Thinks like,

"You're so beautiful, baby."

"I love you so much, babygirl. More than I love myself."

"I'm so glad that I get to call you my girl."

"It's just you and me against the world, sugar."

After about three more minutes, I stopped feeling pain. And it was filled with pleasure. Beautiful, Beautiful Pleasure. I loosened my grip on his bicep. I began to breathe faster, in a good way. I moaned pretty loudly. My cheeks turned pink of embarrassment. "It's okay, sugar. I know it feels good. No one is home. We can be as loud as you want." He said with a smirk.

I took advantage of his words

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I took advantage of his words. I moaned with delight. Patrick tilted up his head and bit his lip. He groaned. "God, baby. You feel so good." I nodded. Patrick decided to pick up his pace and I swear my eyes rolled to the back of my head. "Okay?" He asked. "Yes. Of course, baby. Oh My God." This made Patrick smirk.

He picked up his pace even more

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He picked up his pace even more. My heart was beating 160 bpm (beats per minute). I couldn't control my breathing. And neither could Patrick. We were both moaning messes. "Oh, fuck, babygirl. You're so fucking hot." He said as he attacked my chest with kisses. He kissed every part of my exposed skin. "Patrick?" I whimpered. "Yes, sugar?" I bit my lip and Patrick groaned at the sight. "Touch Me." Patrick nodded as he cupped my left breast and kissed the other. Then vice versa.

A little bit after, I started getting a feeling in the pit of my stomach. I looked at Patrick, because I had no idea what I was feeling. "Are you close, baby?" I but my lip again. "Fuck, sugar. You're gonna make me cum if you keep biting your lip like that." I giggled. "I don't know if I'm close." I said embarrassed. "Awe, that's okay. Does your stomach feel funny?" I nodded. He smiled. "You're close. So am I. Just hold it for a second. Can you do that for me babygirl?" I moaned at the pleasure and the nickname. I nodded and he kissed my cheek.

Patrick sped up even more if that was possible. I feel like I'm gonna explode any moment. "I can't hold it anymore, P." He nodded. "Me either, sugar. On three." I nodded while looking into his eyes.




A long stream of profanities and moans of eachother a name came out. I shut my eyes tight. I couldn't process anything at the moment. I couldn't believe, Patrick Stump was making me feel all these emotions. I really do love him to bits. I opened my eyes and there he was. I launched up and kissed him. Over and over. "I love you." I said after a lot of kisses. "I love you too." He held me close to his chest.

We laid in bed and just stared at eachother. He held me close to his chest. I never want to live without him. "Are you tired, baby?" I yawned and nodded. "Go to sleep, sugar. I'll be right here when you wake up." I smiled.



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