Stay Awake

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"Why are you acting like this, Patrick?!" I ask. "I'm not acting like anything, Stephanie! You're the one who told my mom that I got drunk last weekend! And now she banned me from playing in Pete's band!" I shake my head. "I said I was sorry, Patrick! I didn't know she was in the room! It was an accident. I'm sorry!" Patrick shook his head. "Whatever. You knew how much this band meant to me. You know music is my life and now it's all down the drain! Thanks a lot, Stephanie." I was drowning in tears. "I've said sorry a thousand times, Patrick! Can't you accept that? I knew how much all of this meant to you and I never intended to ruin that! I'm sorry! Okay?!" Patrick scoffed and shook his head again. "It's going to be a lot more than sorry, sweetheart. You know what? Just don't talk to me. Don't look at me. Just... just stay out of my life." Patrick slammed he door and left.

-Two Weeks Later-

It's been two weeks since Patrick and I had our fall out (pun intended). I've been miserable ever since. Everytime I see him, I swell up in tears. He was the best person to ever enter my life and I fucked it all up just like I do with everything else. I did what he said. I avoided him everywhere. I've been so depressed, all of my other friends have already given up on me. I barely leave the house anymore. I haven't been eating much anymore, I mean, why should I try when it always ends up in a disaster? I'm in bad condition, but I don't care. I don't care if I live or die. What difference will it make to the world?

I'm currently at home, scrolling through tumblr. Reposting stupid, ignorant posts. I feel my stomach rumble a little bit. Well, a little snack wouldn't hurt. I get out of my position and walk into the kitchen. I open the fridge and move some things around. I don't see anything I like. "There's never any damn food in this fridge" I think.

I open a drawer and take out an apple. I like to cut my apples, so I get out a knife and a cutting board. I set the apple down and place the knife on the apple. I try cutting it, but it's kinda hard. I try putting more force onto the knife, but no budge. I hold the apple firmly with my left hand and put all my force on the knife with my right hand. Before I can function, the knife slips and cuts my left hand. In sight of the blood, I start to feel sick. I back away from the knife while starring at the endless amount of blood falling from my hand. I need to look away, but I can't seem to loose contact. I back into the wall and fall to the ground. I can't do anything. I just feel warm blood gliding down my forearm and hot tears streaming down my cheeks. The inly thing I can think about is getting help. I reach in my back pocket for my phone, not breaking eye contact with my hand. The only person I can think about is Patrick. I don't know why, but it's inevitable. I carefully dial his number and press call.

Patrick's P.O.V

I'm at home in my room while watching Game Of Thrones on my laptop. I hear my phone go off on my counter. I press pause and go get my phone. The caller I.D says, "Steph✌️". I never really deleted her contact in my phone. I scoff and press decline. I get back to my bed and as I'm about to press play my phone goes off again. Stephanie is probably trying to get back my trust for her. I don't think I can forgive her. Music was my life. Then again, she never did intend to. It was an accident- I mean whatever! It's over now. I press decline again.

After a few more rings, I decide to answer.
"What?" I ask. I hear a sharp gasp in the other end. "P-Patrick?" She asks. "Yes, what do you want?!" I hear a few sobs. My facial expression softens. Is she crying? "Stephanie? Are you crying?" I never heard or seen her cry before. "M-mhm." Now I feel really sympathetic. "What's wrong?" I hear more sobs. "I-I just. I didn't mean to- I just." She had a hard time explaining. "Stephanie, you're going to have to talk clearly for me to understand you." I hear her take shaky breaths. "Apple... K-Knife. Blood. Ever-everywhere. H-help." My eyes widen. "Okay, just take deep breaths. Stay awake. I'll be there as fast as I can." I hang up and quickly out on my shoes. I hurry out the door and jump in the car.

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