I'm Going To Get Her Back (Part 2/2)

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*Patrick's P.O.V*

I'm sitting here at lunch, thinking about what I should do to get (Y/N) back. Maybe I should beat up Zack, next time he treats (Y/N) with disrespect. OH WAIT!! I forgot, I don't have muscles and he'll take me down in less than two seconds. This is hard. "Joe! What should I do?" I asked facing Joe, He always has good advice. "Dude, if you want her back, you have to decide this on your own." I sighed and nodded.

The bell rang, now time for P.E. Lord help me. As we walked out to the football field, I saw Zack. He was giving me a death glare. Oh No, he's coming this way. "Hey Faggot, I saw you looking at my girlfriend. Now you're going to pay." 'Holy Smokes!' Is all I can think. Before I knew it, he was chasing me. Of course I ran into the bathroom and got myself trapped. He forced me into the corner and beat me up, bad.

I quickly walked home after school. I hid my face from my parents. They would freak out if they saw my face like this. As I walked up into my room, my phone went off. "Hello?"
"Hey." It was Pete. "Are you going to the high school dance tonight?" Pete asked. "No, why would I go to a social interaction with people who I hate?" I said. I heard Pete sigh. "Oh, well I thought it'd be a good plan to go and win (Y/N) back, but ok-"
"Wait! I'll go. But only for (Y/N)." I said cutting Pete off. "Okay. See ya at 8:00." I hung up and went to look for some jeans and a button up shirt.

*Your P.O.V*

You were at the dance with Zack. He wasn't paying any attention to you, he's talking to his friends. You stood there in annoyance waiting for something to happen. You glanced at the entrance and saw... Patrick. You smiled and walked over to him. "Hey, Trick- I mean... Patrick." How embarrassing? You almost called him the nickname you called him while you were dating. "Hey." Patrick said looking down. You tried to see his face, but he kept turning away. "Patrick? What's wrong? Did I do something?" Patrick shook his head.

You were trying to figure out why he didn't look at you. Was he nervous? You lifted up his chin to see his face. Your eyes widened. There were bruises and cuts everywhere. You gasped in sympathy. "Patrick, who did this to you?" Patrick shook his head. "Nobody, don't worry about it. I'll take care of it." You shook your head in disagreement. "Let's go over here and get you cleaned up. There are still some cuts that are bleeding, in the mean time, you're going to tell me who did this.

You dragged Patrick to the bleachers and took cotton balls out of your makeup bag. Patrick winced in pain as you dabbed the cuts. "Patrick, can you please tell me who did this? Please." Patrick sighed. "It was Zachary and his 'gang'." You shot a deathly glare at them. "I'm going to show them a piece of my mind." You stood up and took one step, but Patrick grabbed your hand and pulled you back. "No (Y/N). I don't want you getting hurt. I'll take care of this." You sat down and kept holding onto Patrick's hands without noticing. It was like an instant reflex. "But, Patrick, they're going to hurt you again."

Patrick shook his head. "I don't care. It's too painful seeing you getting hurt. (Y/N), I still love you." You looked into his gorgeous eyes and blushed. Do you still love Patrick? Was he the one? You looked down at your intertwined hands then back at Patrick. "Oh, Patrick. I-"

"What the hell do you think you're doing with my girl!?" You turned your head and saw Zack standing there. This ticked you off. You were barely 'his girl'. He barely noticed you. And you were no prize to win. "Your girl? Your girl!! If anything, I'm Patrick's girl. You don't even notice me when I'm sitting next to you, but Patrick notices when he's all the way across the room. Patrick loves and cares for me way more than you do. So, don't go around calling me 'your girl' because I'm not. I've spent two months with you, when I should've spent them with Patrick. So, leave me alone! We're done. Go fuck one of your buddies." You said while pushing Zack onto the dance floor, or in this case, the basketball court.

You saw that Zack was full of anger, but you weren't scared of him. Next thing you know, you felt a sharp pain on your cheek and you were on the ground. The first person to comfort you was Patrick. "(Y/N), are you okay?!" You nodded. "I'm fine." Zack and his buddies were scoffing and laughing. Patrick kissed your cheek and set you down on the bleachers. He walked up to Zack and punched him.

Zack grabbed his jaw and picked up Patrick by his collar. "You shouldn't have done that. Now, we're going to beat you up 10x worse then before." Zack said.
"I don't care. I'm glad I did that. You can beat me up everyday as long as you stay away from (Y/N). She shouldn't be the one getting hurt. You are." Zack looked confused, but then Patrick kicked Zack in the balls and he collapsed. His buddies came to Patrick, but he knocked every one of them out with one punch.

Patrick ran over to you and took your hand. "Are you sure you're okay?" You tried to speak, but you were taken away by Patrick. So you nodded your head instead. Patrick walked you out to his car and sat you in the passengers seat. "Where are we going?" You asked. "Somewhere special."

When you reached your destination, you were astonished. You were on a cliff looking over the city. Then you realized. It's the same place Patrick took you on your first date. "Patrick, I love you. Breaking up with you was the stupidest thing I ever done. I shouldn't have dated Zack. Seeing you depressed hurt me so badly. I didn't know I made you that way. I'm such a horrible person and I'm so-" Patrick silenced you with a kiss.

Patrick pulled back, but stayed in the same position with his hands on both sides of your head. "I've been waiting to do that for two months." You blushed. You saw Patrick glance at your lips then back up to your eyes. Without hesitation, you kissed him back. Things got pretty heated, but not too heated. Things ended up in the back seat. Just to be clear, you were just hardcore making out.

//A little time skip\\
*Patrick's P.O.V*

Maybe guys like me can get the girl. Ever since that night two years ago, (Y/N) and I have been inseparable. We are now in college together and I wanted to ask her a question that'll change our lives forever. "Sugar, I need to ask you a question." I say as I fiddle with the little box in my pocket...

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