Love You More...

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(I'm just going to use a random name. Mostly because I don't want to waste time using (y/n).)

"Jessica! Patrick is coming over, so stay in your room!" My sister said. I silently squeeled. "Okay!" Okay, so here's the backstory. My sister has been dating Patrick for 6 months and I've been dating him for 5 months. Yes, I've been dating my older sister's boyfriend. I feel so guilty, but I can't help it. He's the sweetest guy I've ever met. I think I might love him...

"Hey, Patrick." I heard Monica say. I looked at myself in the mirror one last time and fixed my hair. I walked downstairs and saw Patrick. I can just look at him all day. "Hey, Jessie. How's it going?" Patrick asked, cheeks flushed pink. "I'm fine. You?" Monica, my sister gave me her 'mean eyes', or so I call them. "I told you to stay in your room, you retard." Patrick shot her an evil glare. He's more protective of me than her. She rolled her eyes, grabbed Patrick's hand and turned around.

I smiled and waved at Patrick. Patrick giggled and waved back. I mouthed the words 'Three Minutes.' Which meant I was going to come up with an excuse for Patrick to come see me. Patrick smiled and nodded.

Three minutes later I went downstairs to see my sister and Patrick doing the dishes. I have no idea why. I cleared my throat and they both turned around. "Uhh, Patrick are you good at trigonometry? I need help with my homework." Patrick nodded. "Do you mind if I go help her, Monica?" She sighed and shook her head. "But you better hurry." She said and winked. Patrick just gave her a fake smile and nodded. He dried off his hands and followed me to my room.

"Hey, sugar. I missed you all day." Patrick whispered. I giggled. "I missed you too." As soon as we got into my room and shut the door, his lips were in mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck as his automatically wrapped around my waist. We parted and Patrick looked me in the eyes. "You're not a retard. Okay, sugar?" I nodded And smiled. It got quiet. Not an awkward, but a nice quiet. "Jessie...I love you."

My heart was beating rapidly. "Y-You love me?" Patrick's cheeks turned a shade of red as he nodded. "I love you from the bottom of my heart. Your sister is nothing to me. You are the only person I want to be with. I can't hide my love for you any longer." I smiled and hugged Patrick. "I love you too." Patrick looked at me with eyes full of love... Love For Me. "Really? You love me too?" I giggled and nodded.

Patrick's eyes grew wider with happiness. He cupped my face and gave me the most passionate kiss ever. I lead us to the bed and lied down as I pulled Patrick on top of me. I didn't want to go any further than this. We literally just said I love you. I want to go slow.

Patrick started lifting his hand slowly up my shirt. "Patrick. I-I'm sorry, but I'm not ready to..." I said as I pushed down Patrick's hand from my abdomen. "No, it's my fault. I'm sorry. Don't apologize, Sugar. It's okay. I understand." I smiled at how perfect Patrick was. I pulled him close as we moved our lips in sync.

We made out for about ten minutes until my door opened. We forgot my sister was downstairs. We both jumped out of bed. "What the hell?!?! Jessica?! You're cheating on me with this bitch?!" Monica yelled. I gripped onto Patrick arm as I hid my face into his chest. Patrick caressed my back.

Patrick let go of me and approached Monica angrily. "No! I'm not cheating on you with a bitch. I'm cheating on you with this wonderful, amazing girl that I happen to love with all my heart. She is a better person than you'll ever be. And you better not hurt her in any way or you will regret it. We're over!"

She ran out crying. We heard her car drive away and I sighed. "Glad that's taken care of." Patrick said. I just stared at Patrick in amazement. Patrick looked around himself for a second trying to find what I was staring at. "What's wrong?- woah!" Patrick asked as I tackled Patrick on the bed and kissed him.

"I love you."
"I love you more..."

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