Everybody Wants Somebody

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"Everybody wants somebody who doesn't want them. Who wants somebody else, baby!" I heard while listening to the track. "So, what do you think?" Patrick asked. "I love it! It sounds so unique." Patrick smiled at the compliment. "Thanks, Rae." I smiled. "Can I hear anymore songs?" Patrick shrugged his shoulders. "Not at the moment. I just wanted you to hear this one because it's special to me... And I really wanted you to hear it."

"Awe, thanks Trick. I'm glad you trusted me with this." Patrick nodded and smiled. Suddenly my phone receives a text message. I retrieve my phone from my back pocket and check the notification. "Oh, I have to go, Patrick-" I said before he cut me off. "What?! You just got here!" I shrugged my shoulders. "Sorry, Trick. Matt wants to take me out tonight." Patrick sighed and frowned. "Fine, but you better buy a thousand copies of my album once it comes out." My best friend said pointing his finger at me. "I was going to do that anyway!" Patrick smiled and came in for a hug. "Okay, okay. I got to go. Bye, Trick!" He waved at me and continued to mess around in the studio.


"Hey, Babe." I said to my boyfriend as I entered his house. "Hey, RaeAnne." I was surprised he didn't call me by my nickname like he usually does. "You okay? I haven't seen you in like a week." He just nods. "I'm fine." I just lightly smiled. "So, what do you-"
"Look, we need to talk." Matt cut me off. I looked at him seriously and I saw that this wasn't going to be good news.

Matt sighed. "I think we need a break." I inhaled sharply. "But, I thought we were doing so good. Why are we-" Matt cut me off again. "Because, I found somebody else! I've been seeing her for over three months and I love her!" It felt like someone stabbed me in my heart. "How can you do this to me?! I thought you actually loved me! You're just some ignorant fuckboi who can't make up his small, goddamn mind!" I yelled getting obviously mad.

My words offended Matt, so he came up to me pretty forcefully. He pushed me against the wall, grabbing my jaw making me look at him. "Don't you ever talk to me like that, bitch" I rolled my eyes. "Fuck you." That's when he's had enough. He raised his fist and made contact with my face. I hit the ground. I didn't move. Not because I was scared, I just couldn't process what was going on. I could feel a giant bruise forming on my right eye. I turned around and he tried to come closer. Before he could reach me, I got up and trudged out the door.

You see, I don't feel hurt. It's just the thought of the immense fear I just went through hurts my heart every time I think about it. I felt like I needed to cry. As I shed my tears, it stung as the salty water caressed the opened scars on my face. I saw headlights appearing behind me. It pulled up next to me and I was soon frightened that it was Matt. The person rowed down the window, but I didn't take the time to look at them. "Please, leave me alone. Don't hurt me again!" I said backing away from the car. "Rae? It's me, Patrick. Why would I hurt you?" I looked at him. His eyes widened. "Who hurt you?!" Patrick said running to me. I was in shock, so I moved away from Patrick. I felt betrayed and like I can't trust anybody.

"RaeAnne. I'm not going to hurt you. Don't push me away... Please. Talk to me. Who did this to you?" Patrick came close and cupped my face. He examined the bruise and hugged me. "M-Matt." Patrick's grip tightened around me as the words fell from my lips. "He dumped me b-because he loves someone else. He dated someone else!" Patrick guided me to the car. He got into his seat and slammed the car door. He was obviously furious. "That fucker is going to wish he never would've broken your heart." Patrick turned the car around and headed towards Matt's house.

"No, Trick. Please. I don't want to go to his house." Tears were starting to form in my eyes. Patrick saw and put his hand on my shoulder to comfort me. "It's okay." He said parking the car in Matt's driveway. "Stay in the car. Please don't get out. I'll be right back." I shook my head and put my hand on his. "Patrick-" he grabbed my hand. "It's okay. Just do what I told you, please." I nodded and watched Patrick approach Matt's front door.

Patrick knocked on the door. I watched carefully as I saw Matt open the door. I hid my face quickly. I couldn't bare look at him. I took a second to peek through my fingers and I saw Patrick beating the living hell out of Matt. Patrick left him on the floor and walked back to the car. He looked pretty furious and his fist was all red as he clenched it with all his force. He slammed the car door, buckled up, and sped towards his house.

"You're staying with me tonight. I don't want you being alone." I just nodded. "Patrick. Thank you so much. I-I-" I didn't know what else to say, but once I said that, Patrick smiled. We reached his house and I ran to him. I hugged him with all my force. I started to cry. "Hey, Hey. Shh. It's okay. He can't hurt you anymore. I won't let him get anywhere near you, baby." I slowly pulled back and looked at him. I don't think he realized what he just said. "B-Baby?" He looked confused. "What?" I sighed. "You called me baby."

His eyes widened and he looked down as he blushed. "Sorry, I got caught in the moment. I felt like it was the right time. Just to make you feel better because I didn't meant to-"
While Patrick was babbling, I quickly realized Patrick had a crush on me. I thought some more, then it hit me.

The song. Everybody wants somebody who doesn't want them. Who wants somebody else. This is why it's so special to him. Oh my god. Right when I realized that, I kissed him.

It took him by surprise, but he kissed me back. "Woah." Is all he said. I smiled as I kept my hands cupped around his face. "Everybody wants somebody," He smiled as I quoted his song, "but I want you to be mine." His smiled widened even more. "I want you to be mine too. Will you be mine?" I nodded and he kissed me again. We went inside and cleaned up Patrick's bloody fist and spent the rest of the night in a wonderful haze.

This imagine goes out to @American_Immortal I hope you like it. Once again, requests always open. I'm also thinking about doing a Q&A soon. Comment what you think I should do. Thanks for reading.

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