Catch You All On The Flipside, Soldiers

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My account seems to be going nowhere. I'm sorry to all the people who actually enjoyed my little short fantasies. It was a good time writing them, but I've just faded from writing these kind of things. I am still listening to fall out boy, but not as much. Their new album isn't bad though. Heaven's Gate was a blessing from up above. Patrick's vocals were just so good. Anyways, I don't think I'll be writing anymore, but I'd like to thank all of you readers for making this a fun thing for me. I thought it'd be better if I formally said goodbye and thank you to all of you for the views and favorites. It was a good one.

I am also releasing some things from my drafts. I started to write a Jøsh dun Fic a while back, but I wanted to release all of it when it was finished. I never got there, so I thought I'd share everything with you guys now. Also releasing the "What A Catch" Fic I wrote so long ago. I was like in seventh grade and now I'm a freshman in high school. Isn't that crazy?

Well, thank you all for everything. I hope to return back to this page in the future and read all your comments and be reminded of what a great fan base this band has. You all are great listeners. I appreciate it. This is _stumpomaticdunshine_ signing off once and for all. Catch you on the flip side, soldiers.

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