I'm Not Going To Stop Loving You

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*In this story, Pete is your older brother and you've secretly been dating Patrick, Pete's best friend. You've been dating for 2 months now.*

You are typing an essay on Historical Figures when you hear your phone going off. You check the caller I.D and it's Patrick.

You: Hello?
Patrick💖: Hey, sugar. Guess what!
You: *you giggle* What?
Patrick💖: Check outside your window.

You smile to yourself and run to the window. You open the window and see Patrick sitting on the tree outside. You gasp. "Hey, Sugar." You let Patrick in and he has a picnic basket. "Trick, what are you doing here? If Pete finds you here he's going to-" Patrick cuts you off with a kiss. "It's okay. He's not going to find out, I promise. Now, who wants a picnic?" You sigh. "But it's dark outside." Patrick sits down and sets out the picnic materials. "Then, we'll have it inside." Patrick continues and you just stand there smiling at him. Patrick looks at you and gives you a heart warming smile. You sit next to Patrick and start eating.

*After Picnic*

"Thanks Trick." Patrick put his arm around your waist. "It was my pleasure. I just wanted to see your beautiful face." Patrick kissed your cheek and you blushed. "(Y/N)?" You turned towards Patrick worriedly. "It's nothing bad, but I think we should tell Pete about us." Your eyes widened. "No! Patrick if Pete found out he's going to be pissed. He's really protective of me and boys, he might even hurt you." You were panicking. Patrick hugged you. "I'm sorry, Sugar. It has to be done. I don't care if Pete does hurt me, I'm not going to stop loving you." You were shocked. Patrick loved you. "Y-You l-love me?" Patrick nodded. "I always have, I was just too scared that you didn't love me back." You shed a tear. These things make you so emotional. "I love you too. I just don't want to loose you." Patrick engulfed you in a hug as you shed tears. "Shh. It's okay. We can do this together." You looked up at Patrick into his beautiful blue-green eyes. "Promise we won't loose each other?" You stuck out your pinkie. "Promise." He pinkie swore.

You held Patrick's hand as you walked into Pete's room. "Hey, Patrick. I didn't know you were here." Pete looked at your intertwined fingers and made a stern face. Pete got up and walked closer to you and Patrick. You were scared and you clenched onto Patrick arm. He wrapped his other arm around you as he were to protect you from Pete. Pete looked at Patrick and looked him straight in the eye. "Treat her well. I trust you like a brother. Protect her and never leave her side." Patrick gave Pete the biggest smile ever. Patrick stuck out his hand for a handshake, but Pete hugged Patrick instead. You and Patrick walked into the hallway and You hugged Patrick. Patrick picked you up and twirled you. You two were so happy. Patrick set you down and he kissed you. "*puking noise*" you heard Pete. You and Patrick laughed. "I love you." Patrick said. "I love you too." You and Patrick smiled. "I love you guys too!" Pete yelled. You and Patrick cracked up laughing.

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