The Mysterious Beauty (Part 2/3)

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I couldn't say anything. It was like I was in a trance of her beauty. She smiled at me. I shook my head and snapped back into reality. "Uh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to knock you down." She giggled. "It's no worries." Her voice sounded so sweet. "I can't believe it's you." I thought. "I'm sorry, what?" She asked. I just realized I said that out loud. "Oh, sorry. I said that, I can't believe it's you." I said shyly. I looked down at my shoes.

"I can't believe it's you. I'm a huge fan." I looked up and smiled at her. "Thanks. Um, would you like to get a drink?" I asked her pointing to the bar. "Oh sorry, I don't drink." I widened my eyes a bit. "Pssh, me either. I was just asking you, if y'know, wanted to, uh get a, uh-" I had no idea where I was going with this, but she started laughing.

Her laugh was beautiful. Her smile was beautiful. Oh God. "We could get a pop." I smiled at her use of language. Back at home, everyone says pop instead of soda. And I always missed hearing people say pop. When I hear someone say it, I get so nostalgic about home. "That'd be great." I said. She smiled. We walked towards the little concession stand and she ordered a Dr. Pepper. I ordered a Mountain Dew.

"That was an amazing show you guys did earlier. I really loved it." She said as we began walking around the fair grounds. "Thanks. I was a little nervous. It's a big crowd." But I was only nervous because she was there. "Yeah. I could never do anything like that. I'm very shy at times, I don't have enough confidence and I have stage fright." How could she not have enough confidence. She is beautiful. Her personality is so attractive. Everything about her is perfect.

"You'll eventually get used to it. You just have to get over your fears sometimes." She smiled and nodded. "I'll keep that in mind." She said.

It was silent for a second. It was getting kinda awkward. My palms were getting sweaty. I can just imagine how she's feeling. "I uh-" I started coughing. I was choking up out of nowhere. This girl is driving crazy. I love it.

"Patrick, are you okay?" She asked. I stopped choking and looked up at her. "You know my name?" I asked. She nodded. "I told you I'm a big fan. And not to sound weird but," she motioned for me to come closer and cupped my ear and whispered, "you're my favorite. And my name is Alison." I pulled back and smirked to myself. "Wow. That's a first." I said a little quietly.

"What do you mean?" She asked. "Well, Pete is usually the attractive and talented one. He gets the most recognition." She shook her head. "You're all really talented and attractive, just something about you attracts my eye." She smiled. Which automatically made me smile. "You think so?" She nodded.

Right after she nodded, she lightly grabbed my hand. Butterflies. That's all I felt at the moment. I couldn't process what was happening.

She was holding my hands. Oh god. My hands. My sweaty, clammy, gigantic hands. What do I do? I don't want to let go. That can not be and option.

I glanced down at our hands and noticed her tattoo again. "I really like your tattoo." I said pointing at it. She smiled. "Thanks. Obviously it's one of your songs, but I just share a connection with the song. It's very close to my heart." She said looking away shyly. "That's cute." She looked back and me and I could see her cheeks turning rose velvet.

"Thanks. I'm actually from Chicago." She said tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. The fact that she's from my hometown makes her even more attractive. "I figured. That's amazing. I'm from Chicago too and sometimes it's kinda hard to find very nice and pretty Chicago people like yourself." I was trying to compliment her as best as I can. Her cheeks turned an even darker shade of red.

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