{Good Morning, Princess}

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6:57 am

That's the time I woke up. I looked over to the side and saw Patrick sleeping peacefully. I slightly smiled and tried to go back to sleep.

I was never good at that. Once I'm awake, there's no stopping there. My mind is fully occupied with today's thoughts that I can't sleep for an extra ten minutes.

A few minutes after sitting around and thinking, I'm just going to scroll through my social media feed.

Nothing interesting. Just to spare time.

I always end up doing this when Patrick is inactive. Either when he's away or he's just busy. And right now he's too busy sleeping.

A good hour passed. I've moved onto bingo. I love bingo.

I felt Patrick stir next to me.

"Morning, Babe." He said. I turned around and hugged him. "Good morning." I kissed his cheeks.

"Why are you playing bingo at 8:00?" I sighed. "Because. You were asleep and I got bored." Patrick smiled and sleepily rubbed his nose against my cheek.

"Awe. Well I was going to cuddle you. Then you didn't cuddle back so that's why I woke up." He said as he ruffled his hair.

"Well let's cuddle. I want you to hold me." I said. I don't know why, but I can only cuddle comfortably with Patrick.

I mean, yes he is my boyfriend, but still. He makes me feel wanted and appreciated. Loved and cared for. Something every girl wants to feel. And I'm lucky I have that.

We cuddled for about ten minutes, then I felt my stomach rumble.

I raised myself out of his arms and leaned my head against his.

"Are you hungry?" I asked. He blinked a little bit since more sunshine was coming through the window.

"Yeah, a little bit. Are you?" I nodded. "Well, wanna get breakfast?" I thought about it.

Patrick just back from tour and he's been really tired and sleep deprived lately. We haven't had time to actually make breakfast.

"Let's make it." He blinked again. "I don't really know how to make breakfast. I'm not a really good cook, babe." I shook my head.

"You'll be fine, P. C'mon, please. I want our breakfast to be good and not something greasy from McDonald's or Taco Bell." Patrick whined.

"But it's so good." I nodded and laughed. "I know, sugar. But it's also very unhealthy. We can make pancakes with chocolate chips and we might even have Nutella." I said.

"Okay. But you're going to have to show me exactly how to make these." I smiled and kissed his lips.

"It's not so hard. I promise." I raised my pinky finger. He laughed at how childish this was and linked my pinky with his.

"C'mon." I launched out of bed in just underwear and one of Patrick's big
t-shirts. I grabbed his hand and led him downstairs to the kitchen.


"Okay, can you get me two eggs?" I asked. Patrick nodded and proceeded to look for the eggs in the fridge.

"Here are your eggs, ma'am." I rolled my eyes. I was trying to open the pancake mix, but I'm not the strongest little butterfly.

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