Miss Missing You

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I can't take this anymore. She can't take a hint. She's flaunting her new boyfriend around while I'm pushed to the curb.

I did everything for her. I treat her like a princess and she never noticed me. I've known her for years. And she only sees me as a brotherly figure. Not anymore.

"Hey, P." Julie asked as she entered the dressing room. "What do you want?" I responded a little too rudely.

"Geez, who ruined your day?" She asked getting a cup of coffee. "I'm looking at her." She sat her mug down.

"Oh really? What did I do?" I rolled my eyes. "Just forget it." I said harshly.

"No, no. You brought it up. What did I do?" She was really pushing my buttons.

"I don't have to tell you anything. Just go fuck your boyfriend okay?" She scoffed.

"Why don't you?" We we're now face to face. "No, please stop. You're hurting my feelings." I said sarcastically.

She just rolled her eyes. "Y'know just because you're having a bad day doesn't mean you have to ruin mine!"

I laughed. "Oh, this is your bad day? I just thought you act like a bitch everyday." Her eyes widened.

"I can't believe you!" It didn't phase me. I kept my ground.

"Then just leave! Go!" I yelled. "I never want to see you again!" She responded.

"My pleasure!!" I said cockily.

She had tears in her eyes. But I didn't care. Not a single bit.

She began to run out, streams leaking from her eyelids. Right when she left, Pete walked in.

"Woah, Julie. Sweetie, what's wrong?" She just shook her head and left.

"What did you do?" He asked me. I shrugged. "Why don't you go ask little miss perfect?" Pete just glared at me.

Him an Julie are really close. They were high school buddies. She was basically his little sister. He took her in when no one else did.

He looks out for her and he won't let anything happen to her. If anything ever did, he'd blame himself for not being there. He really does love her like family.

He walked out of the room to find Julie. I honestly could care less. Then again, I did feel a little sympathy when I saw her crying.

Out of the blue, Pete bursts in. "What the hell is wrong with you?!" He yelled at me slamming the door.

"What? Is she throwing a fit?" I asked standing up from the couch.

He grabbed my by the collar. "I outta punch you in the face-" Pete can beat anyone up. I'm kinda worried. "But I'm not going to because I've already scratched up my knuckles today." He whispered.

He dropped me on the ground and went to the first aid kit. I fixed my collar as I got off the floor.

He was wrapping his fist in gauze. I got a glimpse of it and it was bloody. So bloody.

I'm not even sure if it was his blood or someone else's.

"Who'd you beat up." I asked hesitantly. "Charlie." He said as if his name was acid on his tongue.

"Charlie- like Julie's boyfriend Charlie?" I asked. He nodded.

"Why did you do that?" He scoffed. "Why should you care?" He was obviously still mad at me.

"Just tell me, Pete." He sighed. "He broke up with Julie today." I was shocked.

"What?" He rolled his eyes. "You heard me, stump. Gonna go apologize to Julie now? Huh? Or just stand there dazed and confused?" He asked. Putting the first aid kit away.

"Why did he break up with her?" I asked.

"He was trying a little stunt on her last night. Trying to get in her pants but Julie said she wasn't ready-" Pete thinks 'not being ready' is bullshit but now he's changed his views because of Julie and how much he cares about her.

"So this morning he left a note on her bedside table saying he's breaking up with her because she didn't put out. Fucking asshole!" He screeched slamming his hands on the table.

I sighed. "Pete, I fucked up. I fucked up bad." He scoffed. "You think? Julie is out there bawling because of you. Why in your goddamn mind did you think that you could say that stuff to her?!" He shoved me.

"I-I didn't know what happened. I'm sorry." I only stutter when I'm frightened. Pete is scary.

"Don't tell me that! Tell her! She already got fucked over by one guy she doesn't need you doing it too!"

I sighed. "I need to go talk to her." I said as I walked out of the room. I went on the tour bus. Couldn't find her.

I checked everywhere. She was nowhere to be seen.

The last place I checked was the stage. She wasn't there, but I did see someone sitting in the arena chairs.

I sighed and walked my way to her.

But just in case She didn't want to talk to me, I brought my guitar to win her over.

As I got closer, I could hear she was totally crying.

"Jules-" I said. She turned over her shoulder and looked at me. "Go away." She said scooting down a few more seats.

"Look, I know you said you never wanted to see me again. But I can't have that. I'm sorry for everything I said-" She looked at me.

"I don't want to talk to you! After everything that happened, I thought you would be the one to be there for me. To hold me. To be the one for me to cry on. But all you did was make me cry. You're a fucking bastard, you know that?"

I nodded. "Yes, I'm aware and I totally agree. Okay? I'm so sorry, Jules-" she sighed.

"Just stop. Don't call me that! Just stop talking to me."

I sighed. "Okay, then let me sing." I said. I sat next to her and swing my guitar around my shoulders.

"Patrick I don't care-" she interrupted. "Please. This is all I'm asking for. If you still hate me, I will never speak to you again." Although I was really hoping it would never come to that.

"Fine. Whatever." She said wiping away her tears. I smiled and started strumming.

"Don't panic! No, not yet. I know I'm the one you want to forget. Cue all the love to leave my heart. It's time for me to fall apart..." I sang.

She stopped crying. Now she was just listening.

I know this song meant that I would do anything to forget someone, but I thought it could be used as a sort of a love song.

"Baby, you were my picket fence. I miss missing you now and then..."

When I finished the song, she didn't say a word.

"Julie, I've known you for years and I'm tired of guys screwing you over. You deserve someone to treat you the way you deserve to be treated. Like a princess. What I'm trying to say is, I know I'm not much, but I like you. A lot. And I promise I will treat you like a princess every day. I'll give you anything and everything."

I never thought I had these kind of feelings. But I practically just poured my heart out to her.

"Patrick, I don't know what to say." She said. Her cheeks turned pink and her eyes sparkled.

"That's okay." She leaned in. I looked her in the eyes and and looked at her lips. God, her lips.

Then that's when the fireworks went off. A beautiful explosion of colors. A sky of loud clicks and paintball bits. And I couldn't ask for any other sight.

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