Book Enterprise (Part 2/5)

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Today was the day I met up with Book Enterprise in New York. Patrick was coming with me. He didn't want me to be alone. Plus, he's been to New York a lot of times with fall out boy. I was waiting in the lobby. Just watching time pass by before my name is called into the office. "Alexis?" A lady asks me out of my thoughts. "Yes?" She smiles warmly. "Mr. Pliers would like to see you now." She said.

I turned towards Patrick. "Do you mind staying in here alone?" He shook his head. "It's okay, babe. This is your moment. I'll stay here." I smiled and kissed his cheek. "Thanks, love." I returned to the lady and followed her in the office.

Mr. Pliers looked nice and friendly. A little chubby and he had black hair. "Hello, Alexis. Please, sit. Thank you for coming here today." I smiled. "No problem. I'm so glad I'm here. Thank you so much for deciding to publish my book." He smiled. "Of course. I thought it was amazing. From the title to the author's notes." My eyes widened. "You read the whole book?" I asked surprised. "Yes. Once I started I couldn't stop." This made me so happy.

"So, I'm all in for publishing it. And we can look for illustrators. And it'll be way easier since you live in New York. So let's talk about-" I cut him off. "What do you mean live in New York? I don't live here. I live in Chicago." I said. He made a confused face. "Oh. Well then you'll have to move here. Anyways-" I really need to work on letting people finish talking. "Wait, I can't. My whole life is in Chicago. I grew up there. I can't just leave." I said.

He sighed. "Look, Alexis. I can't just make appointments every now and then for you to check in and wait for you to get here. It'll be easier for you to just live here." I sighed and kept my eyes fixated on a book illustration cover. "But, Patrick." I said. "Who?" Mr. Pliers asked. "Patrick. My boyfriend of three years. He's in the lobby." He laughed. "Of course he could move here too." I shook my head. "No, he can't. He's in a band and they're all in Chicago." He sighed again. "Okay, well if you don't move here, then I can't publish your book. I'm sorry." He stood up to leave.

"Wait! I'll think about it." I said. "Okay. But let me know in 3 days." I nodded and he left. How was I going to tell Patrick. Maybe I don't. Maybe.

I came out with a straight expression. My mind was everywhere and it was too much to handle. "Babe! How'd it go?" Patrick shot out of his seat and towards me. "Well.." I said. Patrick put his hand on my shoulder. "What? What happened?" Maybe I could let this slide. I smiled. "It went very well." He smiled and hugged me.

"So, tell me. Is he going to publish your book?" I sighed. "I'll tell you later. I'm kinda hungry. Let's eat and then we'll talk." Patrick nodded and grabbed my hand. We walked to a near by restaurant.

After we got our food, Patrick was needy for answers. "So, c'mon what'd he say?" I shrugged my shoulders. "He said he'd publish my book-" Patrick let out a victorious 'yes'. "If I move to New York." I quickly shoved my burger in my mouth so I couldn't say anymore. Patrick froze. "Move to New York?" I shifted my eyes to the wall art. "That's.. Big. Um. So, I guess you're moving here." I looked up. "What? I don't want to leave you." He shook his head. "You won't leave me. You'll just be in New York and I'll be in Chicago. I'll come in visit." I shook my head. "No. I never said I was moving anywhere. My life is in Chicago. My life is where you are and I'm not leaving." I said back.

"You can't turn this down for me. I'm not going to let that happen, Alexis. We can work out a long distance relationship. It's romantic. A story we could tell our kids someday." I shook my head. "No, Patrick. I'm not moving anywhere." I said. "So you just denied the offer?" He asked kinda pissed off. "No, I said I'll think about it." He sighed. "Good. There's really no need to think about it." He said raising his voice a little. Earning looks from around us.

"Can we please not talk about this now, P?" He nodded and grabbed my hand from across the table. "Of course." I smiled and we began talking about something else.


We had a plane to catch a few hours after we ate. We actually got off the plane 30 minutes ago. We were both really tired and we needed sleep. I kept trying to put off my decision about Book Enterprise, but it was so hard. I kept avoiding the conversation with Patrick.

And when we got home, Patrick just wanted to sleep. And so we decided to go to bed. Patrick fell asleep before I did. Air travel always makes him tired. He can never sleep on a plane. And that's a reason why I don't want a long distance relationship. He'll always be tired. I don't want to be the cause of that. And Patrick was right, there's no need to think about it at all. I know what I'm going to do. I'm going to stay home...

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