Piano Lessons & Speaking French

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Knock. Knock. Knock.

The door opened and showed a man in his early thirties. "I'm sorry for disturbing you, sir. But are you Mr. Stump?" I asked. "Yes. I assume you're Mia." I smiled and nodded. "Yes, I'm here for the piano lessons." He smiled and shifted to the side to let me in. "Of course, please come in." I walked in and took a seat at his piano bench.

"Let's get started." He sat next to me and opened a beginners piano lesson book. "Do you know anything about piano?" He asked me. "I know the notes and note names. I played trumpet in junior high and high school. I noticed they had the same notes and decided that since I'm halfway there, why not learn the keys of piano as well." Patrick smiled. "That's great. I actually played trumpet too." I smiled this time. "That's awesome." He chuckled.

"Okay, so I'm just going to show you a simple G scale. It's probably one of the easiest scales you'll ever learn." He positioned my hands to where they needed to be and instructed me on which key to press and informed me which notes were in each key.

I messed up a few times, but I eventually got the hang of it. "There you go. You've already got it down. You are my fastest learner." I nodded. "How many people do you teach?" He shrugged his shoulders. "One other adult besides you, but I mainly teach kids." I smiled at him. "That's nice. Do you only teach piano?" He shook his head. "I also teach French." I smiled surprisingly. "I speak French."

He looked at me like I was the most magical thing on earth. "Man, we have so much in common." I nodded my head. "N'est-ce pas." Patrick smiled at me. "Puis-je vous poser une question?" I smiled and scooted closer to him. "Oui." He looked down shyly and smiled. "Vous aller à une date avec moi ce samedi?" My cheeks flushed pink as I nodded. "Génial." He said as he looked me back in the eyes.

We stayed that way for awhile, until I decided to say something. "So, piano?"

I'm sorry for this trash. It's kinda cute/fluff. Eh. I have a journal full of ideas, but I'm not sure so please, please leave requests. It's really mean a lot to me. Thank you so much. I love all you pretty faces and I'll update soon later. Oh! (Self promotion) read my new book
Oh Ms Believer//J.D thank you!!

Patrick Stump ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now