I Feel Like I'm Gonna Explode (Part 2/2)

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I couldn't go to sleep that night. I had no idea what came over me. I mentally exploded on Patrick. How can he ever forgive me? The next day at school was hell. I couldn't stop thinking about what happened. I avoided Patrick in the hallways. I couldn't bare to see if I hurt him. By the end of they day, I've already given up. I was walking home in my mood of sadness.

"Hey, Nat! Wait up!" I turned around and saw Patrick sprinting towards me. I turned back around, not knowing what to do. Patrick soon reached me and started walking beside me. "Hey, you okay?" I just nodded. "I'm sorry and I forgive you." I stopped walking and turned to him. "W-What?" Patrick smiled. "I'm sorry for what I said yesterday. And I know you didn't mean what you said either, so I forgive you." I smiled. "Thank you. I really didn't mean to hurt you." Patrick sighed and hugged me.

My heart stopped. I can't believe he's hugging me. We pulled apart slowly. We both didn't want to end this hug, but we had too. I looked into Patrick's eyes. They're so amazingly beautiful. Patrick is too sweet. I can't believe I can't have him for my own. Patrick wouldn't stop staring at me. It's like he was waiting for something to happen. Before I knew it, patrick pulled me close and kissed me. I've been waiting forever for this, but I knew it was wrong. I pushed Patrick away from me. Patrick looked hurt, but then he understood. "I-I'm sorry Patrick. I can't do this to Jasmine." Patrick shook his head. "No. I'm sorry. I'm such an idiot. I made a huge mistake." I gave him a friendly hug. "It's okay. We all make mistakes. I think it'd be best if you told Jasmine though. She deserves to know."

Patrick dropped his head. "The truth is, I love you." I shed a tear. "Patrick, I've waited so long to hear you say that, but you also said you love Jasmine. If you love a flower, don't pick it. If you pick it, it dies and ceases to be what you used to love. So, if you love a flower, let it be. Love is not about possession, it's about appreciation." Patrick nodded. "I understand. I'm sorry." I shake my head. "It's okay. Now, you wanna come over and watch all of the Ghostbusters?" Patrick lifts his head and chuckles. "Sure."

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