You Can Be Your Own Spotlight

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This one goes out to @kittycat2214 Enjoy!!

"You're going to kill it out there, baby." I say as I kiss my boyfriend's cheek. "Thanks, babe. I'm just kinda nervous. It's my first show as a solo artist! How are the fans going to react? Will they hate me for going solo? What if they throw tomatoes at me? What if-" I cut him off with a forceful hug. "You're going to be fine, Trick. If anything happens, I'll be right over here. Don't worry." I kiss his cheek again. "Thanks, Autumn. I can always depend on you." We share another long hug before we hear the announcer say Patrick's name. "Break a leg!"

Once he gets out there, people start clapping. I look at Patrick and he gives me a heartwarming smile. I feel so happy for Patrick. He wanted to write original songs and perform them, but he just didn't think his songs fit comfortably with Fall Out Boy. It hurt him to go on hiatus, but now he feels even more happier because of it. "Hello! Thanks for coming out tonight! This first song is called 'Spotlight'!" He begins to sing and you can hear a few 'boo's', but doesn't everyone get those at their concerts.

After a while, the booing gets louder. I can see Patrick looks really uncomfortable and unconfident. People start throwing trash up at him and Patrick stops singing.

"You can't sing! You broke up Fall Out Boy!"

"Bring back Fall Out Boy!"

"You're nothing!"

Patrick backs away and runs off stage. I tried to catch him, but he ran to the corner and weeped, holding onto his knees. I sat down next to him and looked into his eyes. His breathing was out of control. I was worried sick of what would happen next.

"Patrick, baby. Look at me. Look at me, baby. It's okay. You're okay." He just shook his head at my words. I grabbed his face and made him look me in the eyes. "Follow my breathing, Patrick. Can you do that for me?" Patrick nodded and tried to copy my breathing. Patrick has ADHD and he is having an episode. It rarely happens since Patrick has taken control of his disorder. I'm trying to take care of him before something worse happens.

We can still hear the crowd yelling hateful words. Patrick shed more tears and covered his ears in attempt to keep all the hate threats out of his mind. "It's okay, baby. They can't do anything to you, sweetheart." Patrick just ignored my words. He couldn't process anything else besides the crowd. I look into the stage, then back at Patrick. I kiss his forehead. "I'll be right back, Baby. Take long breaths, okay?" He nods as I get up. I grab a mic and head onto the stage.

"Excuse me, miss. You can't be up there." The security guard says. "Fuck off." I walk onto the stage and look at the crowd.

"Hey! Do any of you guys have a heart? Patrick started something he loved and you come and rain on his parade? Why the fuck are you here if you didn't want to see him perform? Just fucking leave! Get out of here. Go anywhere else, I could care less! You have no idea how much this means to him and now you've made more damage than you can ever imagine." I started to tear up. "Just-Just leave!"

I run off stage and back to Patrick. He's controlled his breathing and now he's just staring ahead. "You're okay, baby. Don't worry. You're all fine. It's okay-" Patrick hugged me. He put his head in the crook of my neck. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him close. "T-Thank you." I kiss the side of his head. "You're welcome, Patrick. You deserve the best." He pulls back and pecks my lips. "Are you sure you're okay?" Patrick nods and wipes my tears away. "Thank you so much, babygirl." This makes my heart flutter.

He gets back onstage and waves at the crowd. I think me 'speech' had some kinda impact on the crowd because this time, instead of booing, the crowd is cheering. Patrick's smile widens. Making me overly happy to see him smiling. "I'm sorry for what happened earlier. How about we do this again?" The crowd cheers.

Patrick starts to sing another song. Which was kinda ironic because he started singing 'Explode'. Patrick would flash me a smile every now and then.


"Thank you for coming out! Goodnight, Chicago!" Patrick runs off stage and engulfs me in a hug. He picks me up and spins me around. I giggle uncontrollably. He sets me down and kisses me. "I love you, Autumn!" I giggle at Patrick's cuteness. "I love you too, Patrick!" He kisses me over and over again. "Let's go home, okay?" Patrick nods and we head to the car.

We arrive at the house and once we enter, Patrick pushes me against the door and attaches his lips to mine. He takes off my glasses and sets them on the little coffee table. Things escalate into the bedroom and- well, you know the rest.

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