I'm Going To Get Her Back (Part 1/2)

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In this story, you and Patrick are seniors in high school and have been dating for 1 1/2 years.

"Patrick! You've got to get over this jealousy thing!" You and Patrick were arguing about his jealousy. You invited him to your sister's wedding and He punched your cousin because he thought he was trying to hit on you. Things like this happened three times before. "I'm sorry, I thought he was trying to hit on you! I didn't know he was your cousin!" Patrick said. "If you would've listened, you would've heard me tell you." It was quiet for a while. "P-Patrick?" Patrick looked at you. "I don't think this is going to work out. Y'know, us." Patrick looked hurt. "No! (Y/N), please! This will never happen again, I promise! Please." You sighed and rolled your eyes. "You keep saying this, but you can never get over your jealousy. I can't keep doing this if things like this happen over and over." You said. "I just don't want anyone else to take you away from me. I love you." Your eyes formed tears. "I'm sorry, Trick. I-I love you too, but I just can't do this right now. " You said. You left Patrick's house and walked home, which is right across the street.

*Two Months Later*

You walk into the high school and you see Patrick standing there looking at the bulletin board. It's been pretty awkward between you two, but you put that behind you. You have a new boyfriend now. You're pretty popular, so almost every boy was crushing over you. You walked past Patrick and he glanced at you and you waved. He just gave you a fake smile and looked back at the board. You might, still kinda like Patrick, but he had a really bad case of jealousy. He'd always get in fights with an older guy looking at you. And Patrick wasn't exactly athletic, or popular. He was considered a 'Nerd' but you loved him because he treated you like a princess and he was a really amazing guy if you got to know him. You were saving him and yourself when you broke up.

Before you can get out of Patrick's eye contact, you ran into your boyfriend, Zachary. "Hey, babe. Watch where you going, don't want you to fall in the wrong hands. Like that guy over there. Gross." He pointed at Patrick. "That's not nice, Zack. He's actually a really cool guy if-" Zack interrupted you. "Yeah, Yeah. Whatever. You coming to my basketball game after school? It's the championship game." You had no choice really. "Uh, y-yeah." He just smiled. "Hey Zack, what's up bro?" You hear one of Zack's 'jockey' friends say. Zack shoves you aside and chest bumps his friend. Patrick saw how bad Zack was treating you. You met eye contact and you just dropped your head and walked to class.

*Patrick's P.O.V*

I fucking hate that Zack guy. He treats (Y/N) like crap. One day, I'm going to give him a taste of his own medicine. I was giving Zack a death glare when he saw me. Crap, Crap. He saw me, he's going to kill me. "What are you looking at, Fag?" This is my chance. "I can ask you the same question." That's when he hit me. I should've stayed quiet, guys like me aren't meant to get the girl, or fight the badguy. After he hit me, he walked away laughing with his friends. I got up and walked into the bathroom. I had a black eye. I washed my face and as I left, I ran into somebody. "I'm sorry." I looked up and saw (Y/N). "No, I'm sorry. I wasn't looking where I was walking." (Y/N) was always so polite. "Oh, Patrick. What happened to your eye? Are you okay?!" (Y/N) was always so caring. I looked down. "Zack, hit me." She looked down as if she were sorry for his actions. I could tell she felt really bad. "But, I'm fine. It's okay. It was my fault. I talked back to him even though I knew I shouldn't have." She shook her head. "He always does this, It gets on my nerves. He always picks on the less popular kids." I nodded in agreement. "Why do you like him?" What?! I didn't mean to say that. It just came out. "Um, b-because. I-I, uh." She sighed. "What does he have that I don't?!" All these words are just flowing out of me and I can't control them. These are all the questions I've been wanting to ask her. "Look, Patrick. I don't want to have this conversation right now." She said. I sighed and nodded. "Sorry." I said. "It's fine. I better get to class. I don't know why I came out here." She giggled. Oh god, her giggle. "Well, I'll see you around. I'm sorry for what Zachary did. I hope your eye gets better." I smiled. "Thanks." I sighed as I saw her walk away. I miss her so much. I just want to kiss her, and hug her. I miss her kindness, how she apologizes for everything. I want her back so bad, and I'm going to get her back. Even if it's the last thing I do.

Part 2 coming soon!

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